3D中的OBJ文件格式详解 - Ming明、 - 博客园
2014年11月7日 · OBJ文件是一种标准的3D模型文件格式,很适合用于3D软件模型之间的互导。 比如在3dsMax或LightWave中建了一个模型,想把它调到Maya里面渲染或动画,导出OBJ文 …
一文看懂3D模型obj文件 - 知乎
obj文件 是Alias|Wavefront公司为3D建模和动画软件"Advanced Visualizer"开发的一种标准3D模型文件格式,大部分3D软件都支持导入、导出obj格式的模型文件。 接下来,我们使用 blender …
Wavefront .obj file - Wikipedia
OBJ (or .OBJ) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for The Advanced Visualizer animation package. It is an open file format and has been adopted …
Wavefront OBJ - Blender 4.4 Manual
4 天之前 · OBJ format is a popular plain text format, however, it has only basic geometry and material support. There is no support for armatures, lights, cameras, empty objects, parenting, …
OBJ Files A 3D Object Format - FSUSciComp
2016年8月15日 · OBJ is a data directory which contains examples of OBJ files, a format for storing a description of the surface of a 3D object, composed of triangles or higher degree …
论文阅读 | 图学习百万量级基准数据集OGB:Open Graph Benchmark …
OGB是一个真实的、大规模的、多样的并用于图学习的基准测试数据集。 斯坦福大学的Jure Leskovec教授在 NeurlPS 2019 大会的演讲中介绍了OGB并宣布开源,可以在其项目官网进 …
OBJ File Format
OBJ files are used by Wavefront’s Advanced Visualizer application to define and store the geometric objects. Backward and forward transmission of geometric data is made possible …
Understanding the OBJ File Format for 3D Printing
The OBJ file format is a widely used format in the world of 3D printing and 3D graphics applications. It is the preferred format for multi-color 3D printing and serves as a neutral …
OBJ File - What is an .obj file and how do I open it? - FileInfo.com
2022年12月22日 · What is an OBJ file? An OBJ file is a standard 3D image format that can be exported and opened by various 3D image editing programs. It contains a three-dimensional …
The OBJ File Format – Simply Explained - All3DP
2023年12月22日 · Find out all you need about the OBJ file format for CAD and 3D printing.