Nissan 180sx [FREE] - Download Free 3D model by autoNgraphic
Orbit navigation Move camera: 1-finger drag or Left Mouse Button Pan: 2-finger drag or Right Mouse Button or SHIFT+ Left Mouse Button Zoom on object: Double-tap or Double-click on …
Thunder of Stalin: Obj. 180-1 - SimplePlanes
Developed by the design bureaus of the Kirov Plants in Leningrad. The project was launched in 1949, but was canceled while still in the design phase. Rather than using the 203mm gun from …
如何在 Windows 11/10 中编辑 3D OBJ 模型 - Windows-Office.net
这个免费的在线 obj 编辑器提供了创建多边形网格的工具,例如长方体、球体、圆锥体、圆环体、圆等。 此外,您还可以创建和设置灯光、相机和形状等选项。
180 3D 模型 下载 - Free3D
找到了185个180 3d模型。可以下载.blend .obj .c4d .3ds .max .ma等格式的文件.
Nissan 180SX 1989 [Updated] - Download Free 3D model by Lexyc16
The Nissan 180SX is a fastback automobile that was produced by Nissan Motors between 1988 and 1998. It is based on the S13 chassis from the Nissan S platform with the variants …
Obj. 180, an MBT with a 180mm gun. : r/SprocketTankDesign
2024年3月30日 · Obj. 180, an MBT with a 180mm gun. Side-frontal view, showing the tank off. Side-view, showing the relatively low profile despite the almost 74-ton weight. It also shows …
用于在线查看 3D OBJ 文件的免费在线工具 - ImageToStl
使用此免费工具在线查看 3D OBJ (Wavefront) 文件,无需安装任何软件。我们的 OBJ 查看器工具将使用平移和缩放控件生成 OBJ 文件的实时 3D 预览,让您能够查看您的 3D模型从任何角度。
免费.obj(OBJ)模型下载-模型商城-CG美术之家 - cgmszj.com
CG美术之家(cgmszj.com)致力于为创作者提供优质3d模型下载,有3d模型免费下载,.obj(OBJ)模型下载;体验3d模型在线实时渲染,下载免费优质3d模型资源,请上CG美术之家一站式3d资源与技术 …
D11 07-2 obj 180 - 3D model by KARCH-FF-UHK - Sketchfab
model by Štěpán Kravciv - D11 07-2 obj 180 - 3D model by KARCH-FF-UHK
Obj. 180-1 - SimplePlanes
Auto Credit Based on Shimakaze's Obj. 180-1 AG8 VTOL - turrent traverse, AG8 Trim - gun depression and up, AG1 VTOL - mechine gun traverse Specifications