Object 195 / T-95 - The Armata's Big Predecessor - War Thunder
2023年7月21日 · poll Hi guys. :) Today i want to sugguest a massive tank that started development at the end of the Soviet Period and into the early 21st century… The Object 195. Also known as the T-95. History / Development At the end of the Soviet period. The USSR was getting concerned about the rapidly improving tank designs NATO powers was putting into service such as the M1 Abrams, Challenger 1 and ...
Any idea why the T-95 (aka Object 195) was cancelled? Based on
2022年10月6日 · Собсна, давайте расскажу. Ob 195 was one of the most powerful tanks of Soviet Union, but it was not the only one this tank. Some machines were made in Kharkov, St.Petersburg etc, in 1980s. They all have 152mm guns, but in Tagil were no the same tank.
In Development: Object 195 : r/ArmoredWarfare - Reddit
2017年2月9日 · Object 195, which is sometimes also known under its marketing name T-95, is a result of the same line of thought as the Black Eagle, but with one significant difference. It has a really, really big gun so it can deal with literally anything it comes across. Object 195 was originally designed to become the future fourth generation Main Battle Tank.
Wishlist for Russia (WIP) - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2023年12月28日 · Obj 195. Obj 292 - implmented. Obj 477. image 1366×593 54 KB. Obj 640. T-62 M1. LRF + uncooled thermals.
Obj. 195 : r/TankPorn - Reddit
2018年10月18日 · 93 votes, 16 comments. 310K subscribers in the TankPorn community. TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars…
War Thunder "Air Superiority" - Changelog - War Thunder
2023年12月14日 · Howver i am patiently waiting for B1 Draco, Obj 640, Obj 195, T-90M Proriv 3/T72B4(the uparmoured in Ukraine) now that Germany got their last top tier vehicle. 1 Like DMforBoyThighs December 14, 2023, 2:16pm
Three vehicles that leave you baffled as to why they're not in ...
2025年2月17日 · Obj 195. In my opinion this vehicle would times better than the Obj 148 in protection, size and firepower. One thing that makes this very interesting and a hard target is the absence of crew on the turret, a 30 mm autocannon and a ground radar, would be a greater addition as a end-of-the-line event vehicle, enhancing the 12.0 options to MBTs.
High Caliber Projects Discussion and Implementation
2023年7月27日 · The Object 195 featured a design that marked a significant departure from the Soviet-era tanks currently in service, placing a greater emphasis on crew safety and protection. One notable feature was its new adaptive hydropneumatic suspension, which drew similarities to that used by the MBT-70 and the Japanese Type 74 and Type 90 tanks.
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)
2023年12月25日 · Obj 195, viper zero, Yamato, Komatsu 105, etc. Shout out to ACV and FA18! UK F111K! Normandie BB. uss N ...
Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)
2024年1月15日 · So much more realistic than the Obj. 195 - whatever the fck that is with 1000mm of pen, a T-14 design contest prototype (that was passed to Devs) So much cooler than the Obj 195; So much more fitting as a realistic tank - moved, shot, had innovative systems… don’t want a T-14 in warthunder