Is the Obj 268/4 worth getting? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2022年12月28日 · Unlike E3, it’s side armor on the superstructure is sht, it isn’t reliable at all, it’s like a pike nose, only strong when you are directly facing the enemy. And the E3 has way better pen and way more reliable gun and much more reliable armor.. but hey, it’s Obj 268v4. A toxic aggressor. Recommended it?
Obj 268 or Obj 268 ver 4 line? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2020年4月27日 · I'm about to get the Su-100, but I'm not sure which line to go down afterward. I initially wanted to go for the normal Obj 268 for 395 HEAT pen, but now I'm not sure. Is the 268 ver 4 still meta after the nerfs?
Obj. 268 vs Obj. 268 4 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年12月1日 · o grind the v4 now as I like the k91pt a lot. But since I do for now is: 10 votes obj 268 67 votes obj 268 v4
Review of Obj 263 vs Obj 268 v4 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2018年8月16日 · The 101 is good at brawling, I even manage to get above 55% win rate. Sniping it misses a lot of shots 100 or 122. Its play style is brawler/flipper. You have to adapt your play to your target. You push and flip any light/paper medium that tries to flank you and you flip them over. You do not brawl heavies or heaviums or super heavies. Can't wait to get to the 263/268_4.
Object 268 Version 4 (268/4, 268v4) - Shop update [2024.05.17]
2024年5月17日 · This is a tier 10 Ruski assault tank destroyer that features decent mobility, high alpha gun, and armour that only works frontally. The cheeks on the superstructure can be penned with standard rounds the moment you turn the Obj 268 v4 slightly. This is a tank that performs greatly against inexperienced players at tier 10, but any competent player will outplay it with ease.
OBJ. 268 or OBJ.268-4 Pro Tips? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
268 4, is just hard to play, all you have to do is click w and then leftclick as you laugh at enemies who wont penetrate you
Has the Obj. 268 v4 been nerfed to oblivion? - Reddit
2021年2月14日 · RU: Obj 268 and FV 4005) When looking at the Win 8 the 268 V4 is still in the top 4 of the tech tree TDs on all 3 servers while the WZ is the bottom 4 on all 3 servers.
Whats the best equipment 2.0 for an OBJ 268 V4?? : …
2021年3月29日 · Currently Running Bounty Rammer, Vents and a Spall Liner... Please correct my bang averageness!
Old returningTanker... object 268 or object 268 version 4? - Reddit
The 268 grind is remarkably consistent, with good and excellent tanks all the way from tiers 1-9, only spluttering at the actual tier 10. The 268 v4 grind is a bit harder, stumbling at tier 8, one of the worst tiers in the game to stumble at.
The armor profile of the object 268 version 4 as seen from a
The issue is that right now the blitz 268/4 has a superior armor profile than its PC equivalent (minus the sides which are pennable at very steep angles).