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Object 279 early Tier X Reward Soviet Heavy Tank Breakthrough
Obiekt 279 - Wikipedia
The Obiekt 279, or Object 279, (Объект 279) was a Soviet experimental heavy tank developed at the end of 1959. This special purpose tank was intended to fight on cross country terrain, inaccessible to conventional tanks, acting as a heavy breakthrough tank. It was planned as a tank of the Supreme Command Reserve. [citation needed]
【心得】第二戰役-Obj.279任務心得(聯邦、聯盟) @戰車世界 …
2021年2月3日 · 在五場戰鬥內,獲得平均2000的協助傷害,最低協傷需求500. 這任務我是用T-100LT解的,原本是打算用LT-432,不過因為要常跟敵我的ELC EVEN 90競爭,所以改用蘇聯10階輕坦,加上十階場大家砲管都又粗又準,所以限制最低的500協傷不會是問題。 2. 連續三場造成兩倍自身血量的傷害. 5. 連續三場敵我雙方前三名傷害. 7. 連續三場摧毀敵方內部三個部件或成員. 9. 連續兩場摧毀三台車輛. 2. 連續三場造成3K傷害. 5. 阻擋30次敵方攻擊. 7. 連續3場擊毀2種以 …
Object 279(e) Campaign Guide | HoKx | WoT
2024年6月4日 · Enable your allies to cause an average of 2.500 HP of damage to enemy vehicles per battle by spotting them or destroying their tracks. (Restriction! 500 HP of damage) For spotting Tier 10 T-100 LT, Tier 9 T-54 Ltwt, or Tier 8 LT-432. For tracking any rapid firing medium tank you play well like T-44-100, T-44, Object 274a, Object 430, T-54.
【心得】OBJ. 279 (E)聯邦、聯盟任務心得 @戰車世界 World of …
2019年9月20日 · 理論上,最快過第三行動的方式是,完美的完成前面兩個行動的最終任務,這樣就能拿到八張命令,然後再完美的通過第三行動(279 (E))的其中一個系列任務,就能直接用命令通過其他三個系列的最終任務來拿到車。 不過我對自己的能力比較沒信心,所以一開始我就嘗試只通過兩個系列的任務主要條件,而用命令跳過另外兩個系列,多出來了兩個命令用來預備跳過不想解的任務,最後我選上了聯邦跟聯盟的任務來解。 接下來我會大抵分享我每個任務的選車依 …
X Object 279 early - skill4ltu Index
2021年4月24日 · Modified: Crew perks, Commander/Radioman from Signal Interception to Side by Side, Gunner from Designated Target to Quick Aiming, Ratings, Overall from 5 to 4,5, …
Object 279 early - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
Being one of the most futuristic appearing tanks featured in game, the Object 279e brings the breakthrough tank concept to a whole new level. It's parameters, on the first glance, appears to be something in between the IS-7 and the IS-4, with a mid-large calibre gun, thick armor concentrated on the frontal arc and above average mobility & agility.
【心得】【心得】obj. 279 (e) 同盟任務心得 @戰車世界 World of …
2019年11月18日 · 但我是開日重五式用下坡撞死敵車...
How to defeat the Object 279 (e) in 1v1? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年7月29日 · How to defeat the Object 279 (e) in 1v1? A serious question, what is the best strategy to defeat an Object 279 (e) in one on one play. This question originates from defeats at the hands of these monsters in the 1v1 tier 10 tournament game mode where anyone with an Obj. 279 (e) is just seal clubbing for gold rewards.
Obj. 279 (e) Guide, After patch 1.14 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2022年1月7日 · Before you begin the 279 (e) mission, you need to do: EXCALIBUR, Excalibur missions can be done with tier 6 tanks and above. Bloc 15, Union 15, Alliance 15 and Coalition 15 with honors (Mandatory, as this will make your progress easier later, if you had done the 4 missions with honors, you now have 4 orders)