Object 715 - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年3月7日 · The Object 715 was a heavy self-propelled gun based on the chassis of the IS-4 developed by SKB-2 at Kirov Chelyabinsk plant (ChKZ). A direct successor to the Object 704 , in turn based on the IS-3 , the Object 715 never even had full blueprint studies before the design was canceled due to the shifting in military philosophies, with heavy gun ...
The Last Soviet Heavy Tank Destroyers - Tank Archives
2016年9月11日 · The SPG on the IS-4 chassis, indexed Object 715, was meant to use the 152 mm M31 gun developed by factory #172, with identical ballistics to the 152 mm high power Br-2 gun. The same gun was planned fro the Kirov factory's SPG.
Looking for info regarding a Russian SPG design, the Obj 715
2018年1月4日 · The SPG on the IS-4 chassis, indexed Object 715, was meant to use the 152 mm M31 gun developed by factory #172, with identical ballistics to the 152 mm high power Br-2 gun. The same gun was planned fro the Kirov factory's SPG.
2012年11月23日 · ERROR L104: MULTIPLE PUBLIC DEFINITIONS SYMBOL: MAIN() MODULE:.\2.2.obj (2_2)`` 使用keil软件时报此错误,原因是我当时所建源组下有两个.c文件,每一个文件中都有main函数,因此会显示MAIN 重定义错误,理论上一个工程中只有一个main函数,而我是在练习,所有的.c文件均独立 ...
Looking for info regarding the Obj 715 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2018年1月4日 · Hi all, no long post by me today, instead I'm hoping for some help. I've acquired an interest in the Obj 715... unfortunately the only information I…
WoT RU: Assault SPGs Coming Soon - The Armored Patrol
2024年11月1日 · Su D15 and object 715 are masterpieces created on existing blueprints, Object 261/4 with IS7 chassis and a realized Lesta masterpiece! These could come as super heavy tank destroyers on our EU server, finally there would be a new update to the outdated Soviet tech tree!
NASA SVS | Asteroid Bennu 3D Models
2023年2月9日 · These 3D models and images were created using data from NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collected while in orbit around asteroid Bennu. These are some of the 3D models that were used to create several SVS Bennu data visualizations, including Tour of Asteroid Bennu, Detailed Global Views of Asteroid Bennu, and Bennu TAG Surface Change.
.fbx和.obj这两种三维模型各有何优缺点? - 知乎
obj格式的特点是兼容性好,文件比较干净,不会存在丢失信息,缺面等异常状况。 FBX是另一种三维格式,它在保存模型本体信息的同时,还可以保存材质和贴图信息以及动画数据。
如何在 Windows 11/10 中编辑 3D OBJ 模型 - Windows-Office.net
这个免费的在线 obj 编辑器提供了创建多边形网格的工具,例如长方体、球体、圆锥体、圆环体、圆等。 此外,您还可以创建和设置灯光、相机和形状等选项。
高效模型格式转换工具:从OBJ、FBX、DAE到OSGB - CSDN博客
2024年10月28日 · 本项目基于开源工具开发,利用了OpenSceneGraph等强大的图形库,实现了从多种3D模型格式到.osgb的高效转换。 技术上,项目具备以下特点: 兼容性:支持多种输入格式(.obj, .fbx, .dae),满足不同用户的需求。 优化转换:在转换过程中,工具会进行一定的优化处理,如减少冗余数据,提升最终.osgb文件的加载速度和性能。 命令行界面:提供了方便快捷的命令行工具,适合自动化脚本和批量处理。 跨平台:尽管本说明未明确指出软件运行环境,但 …