What’s the difference on OBC and OBN Seismic Exploration?
OBC and OBN seismic exploration are all laid “geophones” on the seafloor to collect seismic data. A complete OBC and OBN field acquisition operation includes three main processes: cable laying, cable positioning and seismic data acquisition.
obn 地震勘探在海洋油气田调查、地震识别和油气藏开发过程 中的动态监测( 4d) 等方面的应用进程. 本文重点介绍了 obn 方法原理、工作特点、发展历程和应用实例,分析了 obn 技术 的发展方向. 关键词 海底节点; 历程; 采集; 处理; 应用 中图分类号 p631,p738
A review of OBN processing: challenges and solutions - Oxford …
2021年8月9日 · Ocean bottom node acquisition (OBN) can acquire wide azimuth seismic data over geographical areas with challenging deep and shallow bathymetries and complex subsurface regimes.
Elastic Seismic Imaging Enhancement of Sparse 4C Ocean-Bottom Node Data ...
Abstract: The ocean-bottom node (OBN) seismic acquisition system is designed to gather high-fidelity, wide-azimuth, and long-offset four-component (4C) data, which includes shear waves and enables the use of the elastic assumption in imaging and inversion.
Self-Supervised Three-Dimensional Ocean Bottom Node Seismic Data …
2025年1月23日 · Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) is a seismic data acquisition technique, comprising a hydrophone and a three-component geophone. In practice, the vertical component is susceptible to high-amplitude, low-velocity, and low-frequency shear wave noise, which negatively impacts the subsequent processing of dual-sensor data.
Common reflection point stacking for ocean-bottom node data
2019年4月1日 · We present a CRP stacking method for OBN data, which can efficiently produce accurate stacked imaging and RMS velocity model. Compared with CMP stacking, this method accounts for time-variant reflection points and uses DSR formula to correct normal moveout.
Converted-wave reflection traveltime inversion with free-surface ...
Advancements in ocean-bottom-node (OBN) technologies have enabled the recording of high-quality multicomponent seismic data, which can provide crucial information about subsurface properties through elastic seismic imaging.
Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) data, and sparse OBN, is ideally suited for Dynamic Matching Full Waveform Inversion (DM FWI). The processing toolkit for OBN includes 3D curvelet, sparse tau-p, and 3D fk domain algorithms, along with dedicated receiver domain-based deblending routines.
PP- and PS-wave migration of OBN seismic data from rugged …
2023年10月26日 · In this study, we propose a PSTM method for PP- and PS-wave OBN data from rugged seabeds. First, we correct the downward P-wave traveltime in seawater to solve the non-unitarity of shot and receiver elevations.
The optimized imaging approaches for OBN data in deepwater
2020年7月15日 · Firstly, the paper would introduce two optimized imaging approaches for OBN data in deep water, then one synthetic data would be tested to verify their effectiveness, moreover, the cascaded flow combined the two methods also would be exhibited, in the end of paper, the encouraging application results in real data would be compared with the one ...