Ocean Bottom Nodes - TGS
Through the acquisition of Magseis Fairfield, TGS is the technology leader in ocean bottom node (OBN) innovation. Our systems have been successfully deployed in the world’s most challenging environments, from ultra-deepwater to shallow transition …
你所不知道的海洋勘探“黑”科技 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
< 什么是 OBN ? > 一、OBN. OBN全称Ocean Bottom Node,简称海底节点,它是一种位于海底,可以独立采集、记录地震信号的多分量地震仪。 OBN地震勘探. 海底节点
Ocean-bottom node - SEG Wiki
Ocean bottom acquisition is a marine seismic acquisition approaches popular in the latest decades. In ocean bottom acquisition, receivers can be either ocean bottom cables or ocean bottom nodes. Ocean bottom cables are usually positioned by receiver boat, while ocean bottom nodes are completely free positioned in deep ocean bottom.
Ocean Bottom Nodes - PXGEO
Ocean bottom node (OBN) acquisition is adaptable to more challenging imaging objectives providing full azimuth 4C sampling. PXGEO provides a range of ocean bottom nodes suitable in water depths up to 3,000 meter using efficient and accurate placement methods.
A review of OBN processing: challenges and solutions - Oxford …
2021年8月9日 · Ocean bottom node acquisition (OBN) can acquire wide azimuth seismic data over geographical areas with challenging deep and shallow bathymetries and complex subsurface regimes.
海底节点 (OBN)地震勘探:进展与成果
2021年2月20日 · 海底节点 (OBN)在有效弥补拖缆地震 (TS)的勘探盲区、提供多波和宽方位角数据、定点和重复性等方面具有优势,成为海洋地震勘探的新技术方法.近十年来,OBN勘探技术和装备得到了快速发展,节点地震仪的性能进一步被优化,海底工作的时间和水深得到大幅度提升;智能自动化节点地震勘探系统走向实用,显著地提高了采集工作效率;针对OBN资料的特点,目前已研发了位置校正、上行/下行波场分离、镜像偏移、PS波成像与速度建模等处理方法,提高了成像品质,推动 …
Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) data, and sparse OBN, is ideally suited for Dynamic Matching Full Waveform Inversion (DM FWI). The processing toolkit for OBN includes 3D curvelet, sparse tau-p, and 3D fk domain algorithms, along with dedicated receiver domain-based deblending routines.
中国海油高精度海底地震技术实现跨越 - 澎湃新闻
2021年9月13日 · OBN全称Ocean Bottom Node,简称海底节点,它是一种铺设于海底,可以独立采集、记录地震信号的多分量地震仪。 随着海洋油气勘探目标日益复杂,以OBN和OBC(Ocean Bottom Cable,简称海底电缆)为代表的海底地震(Ocean Bottom Seismic,简称OBS)采集技术 …
[PDF] On-demand ocean-bottom nodes (OD OBN) for low-cost …
2023年12月14日 · The solution uses nodes, which are designed to remain on the seafloor for five years, recording seismic data autonomously and monitoring the deformation of the seabed. The system uses an AUV to control the nodes via acoustic communications and to extract the seismic data via optical laser communications.
Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) is one multi-component instrument that is laid on ocean bottom and can independently acquire and record seismic signal. When performing OBN acquisition, nodes are laid on ocean bottom by machine or underwater robot, the acquired data are saved in local nodes, after nodes are retrieved, data are