Cold War | Multicrew Tank Combat Wiki | Fandom
The OBT-2B and OBT-2BV are the most common tanks of cold war. They are armed with a 100mm cannon capable of firing APFS, HE, and HEAT. It has a 12.7mm coaxial MG. The commander has a .50 cal roof mounted machine gun while the loader has a 7.62mm roof mounted machine gun. The gun takes 6.1 seconds to load via the loader.
MTC 4 Legacy | Multicrew Tank Combat 4 Wiki | Fandom
The old model of the now-removed OBT-3, which based on the T-64A, players who owned the OBT-3 was replaced with the T-64BV. IFV-30 on Radar Station. An OBT-2BV and OBT-2B, the V variant is equipped with ERA.
OBT-2U - Multicrew Tank Combat Wiki
The OBT-2U is a modernization of the OBT-2B/BV and one of the primary modern MBT's of Hawk Republic before Update 3.0 with it being the predecessor to both the OBT-2UM and the experimental OBT-2M. The OBT-2U is well equipped to combat any threats that are thrown against it with decent mobility, decent firepower and Excellent armor making it a ...
OBT-2 Super | Multicrew Tank Combat 4 Wiki | Fandom
The OBT-2 Super is a upgrade to the OBT-2, featuring additional slat armor, spaced armor, and chains to provide 360 degrees of increased protection against RPGs. The OBT-2 Super lacks APDS and APFSDS rounds and uses out dated APHE.
游戏中的open beta, close beta是什么意思,有哪些阶段的专业术 …
2014年10月22日 · 简单来说就是用最小的成本实现你的核心玩法。 比如用UE里的免费素材搭一个简陋场景,用最便宜的UI/特效(甚至可以不需要)把游戏的核心卖点、乐趣与玩法讲明白了。 假如我要做个糖豆人,那它的原型阶段可能就是十个火柴人,在简单的几个木板搭的机关里比赛。 但我需要证明这种闯关式的竞技玩法是有趣的,以及克服机关障碍是好玩的。 当证明玩法的可行性之后,就进入到了预开发阶段。 我们可以把这个阶段理解成打造一个标杆或者用来量产的模具 …
List of Tanks that need pages. | Fandom
2023年12月26日 · OBT-2. OBT-2 Super . MiKi Truck Company Model 2. Miki Truck Company Model 1. Abandoned IFV Hull. Unobtainable/exclusive tanks: Sturmpanzerwagen Owl I. Kanji. Type 5 Ho-Nu. FSV-1. Rommel. AP VEC. MTTB-1. K1 (might be added to modern) MTT-2. Type 4 Chi Ro. One Man Ariete. MTDH-1. Tractor. Among Us (yes this is …
OBT-2B/BV | Multicrew Tank Combat Вики | Fandom
ОБТ-2БВ- Усовершенствованная версия 2Б. Появляется первая серьёзная противо-кумулятивная защита в виде динамической брони. Должен напомнить- она НЕ защищает от ОПБС. ОБТ-2- Скорее всего оригинальный (не модифицированный) вариант танка. Не имеет никакой противо-кумулятивной брони. Встречается только в Техниках.
#2857138 MTC4 | OBT-2BV [MODEL] - en.itemsatis.com
there is no script, it is just a model İtemsatış'in
OBT指的是开放性删档测试,对应的英文是Open Beta Test(简称OBT)。 这种测试通常会面向更多的玩家开放,与正式版相差不大,而且不会进行删档。 这两种测试的目的都是为了测试游戏的稳定性和完成度,以便在正式发布前修复任何潜在的问题和漏洞。
“OBT”代表什么? - 百度知道
2024年6月3日 · OBT的缩写源自英文单词"Open Beta Testing",这个过程涉及到对软件或游戏进行早期公开测试,以便发现并修复潜在的问题。 这个过程对于确保产品在正式发布前的稳定性和用户满意度至关重要。