Differentiating OBT Color Variants - Arachnoboards
2021年5月25日 · All obt's are orange. The O stands for orange. I have a RCF and it displayed a visible orange patch on the abdomen around .75 - 1” mark. I believe leg colors changed between 1” - 1.5” and by 2” it had all its color. The pic is around 2” with no filters, it …
Orange Baboon Tarantula - The Tarantula Collective
Pterinochilus murinus, commonly known as the Orange Baboon Tarantula (or OBT), is a striking Old World species famous for its brilliant orange coloration and notorious defensive temperament. Native to various countries in central and southern Africa—including Angola, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe—this ...
Pterinochilus murinus - Wikipedia
Among those who keep tarantulas as pets, Pterinochilus murinus is known as "OBT", acronym which stands for "orange baboon tarantula" or "orange bitey thing", [4] and also as the "pterror", a pun on its Latin genus classification of Pterinochilus. [5]
Pterinochilus murinus Color Forms? - Arachnoboards
2010年4月25日 · From the site it says there are four color forms. Named after the colouration of the type, different pale beigecolouration, sometimes with a greenish sheen, long setae on legs and abdomen pale pink. Probably a natural intergrade between TCF and RCF (but more close to TCF). Their coloration is more intensive yellow/pale orange than TCF.
Pterinochilus murinus (RCF) - The Spider Shop
The biggest form is the “TCF” – males have been recorded reaching 18cm LS. The “RCF” (also often sold under “trade” names like Pterinochilus sp. “Usamburu” or P.spinnifer or P.mamillatus) usually construct their silk shelters above the substrate where as the others are more terrestrial and will utilize terrestrial hides or ...
Colour variants of Pterinochilus murinus by locality
2016年4月8日 · A lot of people see the following TCF, DCF, BCF, OCF, RCF etc following P. murinus. Here is what they stand for- Many folks are probably under the impression that there is only one variant of each form. But there are multiple for some. Each locality seems to have differences, even if very subtle. Here are some photos I can share to show a few.
Orange Baboon Tarantula: Care, Info, Pictures & More
2022年4月14日 · The Orange Baboon Tarantula, also known as the Pterinochilus Murinus, is an Old World Terrestrial tarantula species. This species is very popular among tarantula hobbyists due to its stunning orange color. However, while this species has an extremely beautiful color, it also comes with quite a moody attitude.
OBT RCF or normal orange? - Reptile Forums
2011年6月17日 · There are 4 forms of OBT, Orange, Red, NCF and Dark. Its very likely there are far more but they're not in the hobby. Its possible to mate the different forms but there's rarely a need to mix them. I'd say you have RCF - Red Colour Form - Usumbara orange baboon
I love my OBT - Tarantula Forum
2023年2月4日 · TCF: typical colour form named after the colouration of the type, different pale beige colouration, sometimes with a greenish sheen, long setae on legs and abdomen pale pink. RCF: red colour form. Long and short setae red/orange, often sold as P. mamillatus or P. spp. "usambara" UMV: Usambara Mountains variant.
Pterinochilus murinus TETE - Arachnoboards
2017年7月9日 · But when captive bred it is usually OCF/RCF which is Red Color Form/ Orange color form. A mix between the TCF (hobby form) and Usumbara. .. And this is why it is extremely important for people who breed murinus to make sure they are doing so with 2 specimens of same locality, then label the spiderlin s for sale with that locality.