OCB mode - Wikipedia
Offset codebook mode (OCB mode) is an authenticated encryption mode of operation for cryptographic block ciphers. [1] [2] OCB mode was designed by Phillip Rogaway, who credits Mihir Bellare, John Black, and Ted Krovetz with assistance and comments on the designs.
可鉴别加密工作模式-同时保护数据机密性和完整性(OCB、CCM …
2023年4月16日 · 文章介绍了五种可鉴别加密工作模式:OCB、CCM、KeyWrap、EAX和GCM,它们分别用于保护数据的机密性和完整性。 OCB适用于低带宽环境,CCM适合嵌入式设备,KeyWrap保障密钥安全传输,EAX提供高性能加密和验证,而GCM广泛应用于TLS、IPsec等协议,提供高效加密和认证功能。
OCB - An Authenticated-Encryption Scheme - Background
OCB is a blockcipher-based mode of operation that simultaneously provides both privacy and authenticity for a user-supplied plaintext. Such a method is called an authenticated-encryption scheme. What makes OCB remarkable is that it achieves authenticated encryption in almost the same amount of time as the fastest conventional mode, CTR mode ...
We describe a parallelizable block-cipher mode of operation that simultaneously provides pri-vacy and authenticity. OCB encrypts-and-authenticates a nonempty string M ∈ {0,1}∗ using d|M|/ne + 2 block-cipher invocations, where n is the block length of the underlying block ci-pher. Additional overhead is small.
OCB Mode - IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive
2001年4月3日 · "OCB mode" encrypts-and-authenticates an arbitrary message using only block-cipher invocations, where is the block length of the underlying block cipher. Additional overhead is small.
认证加密 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
[4] ISO/IEC 19772:2009已经对六种不同的认证加密模式(即 OCB (英语:OCB mode) 2.0, Key Wrap (英语:Key Wrap), CCM, EAX,Encrypt-then-MAC(EtM)和 GCM)进行了标准化。 [5] 在 NIST 的征集下开发了更多的模式。 [6] 海綿函數 可以在双工模式下使用,提供经过认证的加密。 [7] 首先对明文进行加密,然后根据得到的密文生成 訊息鑑別碼 (MAC)。 密文和它的MAC一起发送。 例如 IPsec。 EtM是ISO/IEC 19772:2009规定的六种认证加密方法中的一 …
OCB - An Authenticated-Encryption Scheme - Rogaway - UC Davis
2023年2月21日 · OCB is a blockcipher mode of operation that simultaneously provides privacy and authenticity. It is simple and efficient, equally suitable for hardware and software. OCB is about twice as efficient as more conventional ways to encrypt with authenticity. OCB was designed and analyzed using the provable-security paradigm. Old code and news; FAQ
- [PDF]
OCB Mode - UC Davis
The present submission presents a new mode of operation, OCB, which refines one of Jutla’s schemes, IAPM. OCB (which stands for “offset codebook”) retains the desirable characteristics of IAPM—in particular, OCB is fully parallelizable and adds minor overhead compared to con-ventional modes.
对称密码 -- 工作模式总结 GCM CCM OCB - CSDN博客
2021年11月14日 · 本文概述了三种对称密码的工作模式:Galois/Counter Mode (GCM),Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) 和 Offset Counter Block Cipher Mode (OCB3)。 这些模式在加密解密中提供了认证和保密性,广泛应用于密码学领域。
AES-OCB模式算法简述 - CSDN博客
2024年6月15日 · OCB (Offset Codebook)是802.11健壮安全网络(RSN)AES 算法 所采用的操作模式。 OCB算法使用AES块加密,利用一个临时密钥K和一个 随机数 (Nonce)完成对数据的保密和完整性检验。 AES-OCB数据加密原理如图所示。 ( ntz (i): i>0 ) 其它分支编码本的值可以由L 0通过有限域乘法算出。 其中,Mi 用来表示第i 个明文数据块。 其中len (Mm)表示第m个明文数据块的比特长度。 MIC =AES_Encrypt (K) (M1 M2… Mm-1 Zm Cm 0* Offsetm+1) 其中Cm 0*表示将加 …