Operation Christmas Child | Shoebox Outreach of Samaritan’s Purse
Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan's Purse, has delivered millions of gift-filled shoeboxes to boys and girls around the world. We praise God for so many children whose lives have been changed as the result of a simple gift.
Order Preprinted Shoeboxes - Samaritan's Purse
Our colorful preprinted shoeboxes—available in both corrugated cardboard and plastic—are sturdy options to ensure that your prayerfully packed gift is delivered safe and sound into the hands of a precious child. Purchase a pack of 50 for $33. Purchase a pack of 12 for $25.
Official Shoebox Gift Suggestions - Samaritan's Purse
See our updated lists of what to pack in shoebox gifts for boys and girls according to age group. via @OCC_shoeboxes https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/what-goes-in-my-shoebox-suggestions/
Operation Christmas Child's Amazon Page
Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible …
Shoebox Challenge
Pack and drop-off shoebox gifts or Build a Shoebox Online! The more shoeboxes you pack, the more tickets your church or group earns. Select a representative to sign up for the Shoebox Challenge by November 1. Step 1. Register your organization online to qualify to earn complimentary tickets.
自定义生成OCC的盒子(立方体) - CSDN博客
在3D几何建模领域,Open CASCADE Technology(简称OCC)是一个广泛使用的开源软件库,它提供了丰富的数据结构和算法,用于构建、操作和可视化复杂的三维几何模型。
Samaritan's Purse Gift Box | Hobby Lobby | 1529718
This green plastic box has a red lid and features the Operation Christmas Child logo on each side. Fill it with toys, non-liquid hygiene products, school supplies, and other thoughtful items. Drop it off at any participating church or drop-off location during National Collection Week, November 18 - …
occ的WebAssembly实现,用了threejs渲染 - WasmOCC
该例子主要实现前端实时绘制渲染occ官方瓶子案例,以及打开step、iges和brep文件。 threejs中用到的occ相关的方法已经编译封装好了,如果需要添加新的方法请修改occ_src文件夹下的c++代码,具体方法可以查看我写的博客https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35187495/article/details/123172849
How to Pack a Shoebox - Samaritan's Purse
Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes. Each box packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items becomes a tangible …
Operation Christmas Child - Faith Dialogue
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has been sending shoe boxes to children around the world. Over 150 million children in over 100 countries have received a shoe box.