Melt Flow Measurement System (OP5) - OCS Optical Control Systems GmbH
The OCS Melt Flow Measurement System (OP5) allows the measurement of the Melt Index (MI) of polymer powder or pellet samples. The time between sampling and measurement is 5 to 10 minutes. The OP5 melt process minimises any changes in the structure of the polymer by providing a very fast transition from solid to liquid without the negative ...
Schmelzefluss-Messsystem (OP5) - OCS Optical Control Systems GmbH
Das OCS Schmelzefluss-Messsystem (OP5) ermöglicht die Messung des Schmelzeindex (MI) von Polymerpulver- oder -pelletproben. Die Zeit zwischen der Probenahme und der Messung beträgt 5 bis 10 Minuten.
TDE - OCS Optical Control Systems GmbH
The OP5 MFR measurement is a method carried out by means of exact control of the melt flow in combination with a high-precision and self-developed melt pressure measurement. This method achieves a typical reproducibility of +/- 1 % in comparison to the manual ISO 1133 measurement with +/- 5-10 % deviation.
Melt Flow Measurement System (OP5) - Pardisradan
The OCS Melt Flow Measurement System (OP5) allows the measurement of the Melt Index (MI) of polymer powder or pellet samples. The time between sampling and measurement is 5 to 10 minutes. The OP5 melt process minimizes any changes in the structure of the polymer by providing a very fast transition from solid to liquid without the negative ...
熔融指数仪 (OP5)-威讯科技(集团)有限公司
2025年2月26日 · OP5 通过对熔体流动的精确控制,结合OCS开发的高精度熔体压力测量技术进行 MFR 的测量,这种方法通常可以达到+/-1%的重复性。 每个试样的采样和测量间隔时间5到10分钟,快速采样大大减少了实验室和生产之间的延迟时间,可以满足中控的要求。 OP5精确、快速的特性赋予通过流变数据优化聚合控制工艺过程的巨大潜力。 可测试的原材料. 粒子. 粉末. 熔融指数仪 (OP5)特点. 快速的样品制备和测量. 5至10分钟内获得实时结果. 高重复性. 一次性ISO校准每 …
德国OCS在线熔融指数仪OP5_价格-威讯科技 (集团)有限公司
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Rheology Solutions is the sole Australian Distributor of this product. Full product information is available to download from www.rheologysolutions.com. If you have any questions or require further information please contact us. We look forward to being of further service. Regards from the Team at Rheology Solutions.
熔融指数仪 (OP5)-威讯科技 (集团)有限公司
首页标题 ꄲ OCS ꄲ 熔融指数仪 (OP5) ꄲ 后一个: 高性能流延膜机. ꄴ 前一个: X-射线粒子扫描仪 (XP7) 熔融指数仪 (OP5) MeltFlowMeasurementSystem-OP5_1020x1080px.
ocs在线流变仪 op5是一种复杂的在线实时检测系统,致力于优化工厂生产线和提高产品质量! 适用范围: 聚合物加工过程中的粉末或颗粒 反应器中的粉末 挤出中的颗粒 样品送到实验室通过ocs系统 检测目标: 实时检测反应器中的粉末 通过 mfi 控制 减粘裂化 改善 ...