Prediction of hardness or yield strength for ODS steels based on ...
2024年5月1日 · In this study, the matrix grain morphology, dispersion morphology, and phases of oxide particles in eight ODS steels were studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM).
TEM and HRTEM study of oxide particles in an Al-alloyed high-Cr …
2014年1月1日 · The nanoparticles in an Al-alloyed high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel with Zr addition, i.e., SOC-14 (Fe–15Cr–2W–0.1Ti–4Al–0.63Zr–0.35Y 2 O 3), have been examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM).
Atomic structure of nanoclusters in oxide-dispersion-strengthened ...
2011年10月23日 · In this study, we systematically characterized the atomic structure and chemistry of the nanoclusters in an ODS steel using the newly developed state-of-the-art Cs-corrected TEM and scanning...
天大《Nature Commun》:实现高强高塑性氧化物弥散强化合金! …
氧化物弥散强化(ods)合金,具有优异的抗蠕变性能、良好的高温组织稳定性和良好的抗辐照性能,是一类重要的高温应用合金。 然而, 由于氧化物颗粒容易在金属基体晶界处聚集,其对金属基体力学性能的改善效果有限,这…
TEM characterization of structure and composition of nanosized ODS …
2004年8月1日 · The present investigation analyses both structure and composition of Y–O and Y–Ti–O ODS particles embedded in typical RAFM-ODS alloys. In addition, direct proof of Ar-bubbles trapped at the surface of ODS particles will be presented.
700℃时效对9Cr ODS钢微观组织和力学性能的影响 - ams.org.cn
为探究近服役温度时效行为对ODS钢微观组织和力学性能的影响,通过SEM、TEM和拉伸性能测试等方法,研究了9Cr ODS钢在700℃时效不同时间后的碳化物 (M23C6)、纳米氧化物演变和力学性能变化。 结果表明:在时效初期 (≤ 200 h),M23C6在晶界处呈条带状快速析出并聚集长大,纳米氧化物无明显变化;在时效中期 (200和1000 h),M23C6和纳米氧化物稳定长大;在时效后期 (2000和3000 h),M23C6达到亚微米级,纳米氧化物的平均尺寸和数密度趋于稳定,与初始态 …
9Cr-ODS钢中纳米析出相的SAXS和TEM研究 - ams.org.cn
Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels are the leading candidate structural materials for fast reactor and fusion reactor application due to excellent radiation tolerance and high temperature creep strength. High number density nanoscale oxides play a …
ODS-316奥氏体钢显微结构及弥散相的TEM研究 - ams.org.cn
Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) austenitic steels are promising candidate materials for SCWR, which combine the advantages of both austenitic stainless steels and ODS steels. In this work, ODS-316 austenitic steel (316L+0.35%Y 2 O 3 +0.3%Ti, mass fraction) was fabricated by the process of mechanical alloying (MA) and hot isostatic pressing ...
Advanced TEM characterization of oxide nanoparticles in ODS
2016年7月11日 · The oxide nanoparticles present in three oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Fe–12Cr–5Al alloys containing additions of (1) Y2O3 (125Y), (2) Y2O3 + ZrO2 (125YZ), and (3) Y2O3 + HfO2 (125YH), were investigated using transmission and …
Microstructure and chemical composition of ODS steels: TEM …
Excellent mechanical properties of ODS steels are directly related to the high density of homogeneously distributed, well-formed oxide particles (such as Y2O3, or Y-Ti-O).