About the Office of Data Science Strategy | Data Science at NIH
2025年1月21日 · The Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) leads implementation of the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science through scientific, technical, and operational collaboration with the institutes, centers, and offices that comprise NIH.
Director’s Corner | Data Science at NIH
2024年12月18日 · Susan K. Gregurick, Ph.D., was appointed Associate Director for Data Science and Director of the Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on September 16, 2019.
Office of Data Science and Sharing (ODSS) - NICHD
ODSS was established in 2021 to lead and coordinate NICHD’s activities within data science, bioinformatics, data sharing policy and compliance, and emerging technologies. ODSS's vision is to enable a culture of responsible and innovative use of data and biospecimens that accelerates research and improves health for NICHD populations.
Diesel | Outlaw Diesel Super Series | United States
The intent of the Outlaw Diesel Super Series (ODSS) is to create a points series to standardize payouts and increase competition at each event.
Data Science Home | Data Science at NIH
The NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science 2025-2030 is now available! The NIH is dedicated to harnessing the potential of the computational and quantitative sciences to elevate the impact and efficiency of biomedical research.
Document Submission System - UPLB Graduate School
Notice: Thank you for using this system. This is a Beta software, kindly report issues, bugs and feature requests to Mr. Li Bolanos, GS QM Manager at: [email protected] Feedback and inputs are important to us.
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável | As Nações Unidas no …
São 17 objetivos ambiciosos e interconectados que abordam os principais desafios de desenvolvimento enfrentados por pessoas no Brasil e no mundo.
消耗臭氧层物质 - 百度百科
这些破坏大气臭氧层的物质被称为“消耗臭氧层物质”,英文名称为 Ozone-Depleting Substances,简称 ODS。 科学家用 臭氧消耗潜势 来衡量消耗臭氧层物质对大气臭氧的破坏能力。 《蒙特利尔议定书》列出了消耗臭氧层物质的名称以及它们的臭氧消耗潜势。 我国颁布的《中华人民共和国消耗 臭氧层 物质管理条例》表明了国家拟逐步减少并最终停止使用消耗臭氧层物质。 [1-3] 截至2024年9月,中国已累计淘汰消耗臭氧层物质生产和使用约62.8万吨,占发展中 …
Banks, emissions, and environmental impacts of China's ozone …
2023年7月15日 · Ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), which also contribute to global warming, have been controlled by the Montreal Protocol (MP) since 1987. China joined the MP in 1991 and began reducing production and consumption of ODSs in the country, leading to a decrease in emissions of ODSs.
组织决策支持系统 - 百度百科
ODSS是一个大型复杂的编程系统,其开发需要正规的、结构化的方法,不必用传统的 系统开发生命周期 方法。Carter等(1992)提出了一种构造ODSS的方法,它是SDI.C和迭代方法的结合,其构造过程分为四个阶段,开始两个阶段是结构化的,并提供一个系统开发的框架 ...