M8900 Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle
The M8900 Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle is a SOIEV variant employed by the ODSTs. It was heavily employed during the Human-Covenant War. [3] The M8900 has an …
武装突击艇是一种陆战队以及海军用来部署ODST的载具,它们被证明是非常没效率的,因为在突击中会吸引大量的火力,已经被HEV取代。 ODST的标准装备为MA5B型突击步枪(后改 …
ODST训练模拟了任何一种落地方式–他们期望在像地狱一样的环境中空降,只求进入战斗环境最艰苦的地区。 ODST通过SOEIV空降(单兵大气层内突入载具),这比运输船部署快得多。 这 …
Human Entry Vehicle (HEV)
With the HEVs, ODSTs can deploy to the surface in numbers equal to a traditional drop method, yet enhance their chances of success by presenting an enemy with multiple small targets …
轨道空降突击队 | 光环中文维基 | Fandom
轨道空降突击队(英文:Orbital Drop Shock Troopers,简称ODST),通称地狱伞兵(英文:Helljumpers),是联合国太空指挥部海军陆战队麾下的一支精锐特种部队,同时也是陆战 …
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST), informally referred to as Helljumpers, are an elite special operations component of the UNSC Marine Corps and the Corps' rapid reaction force …
Drop pod - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
These kinds of logistics pods include both smaller dropship-carried ordnance pods and larger SOEIV/HEV-style orbital insertion pods. Regular drop pods are equipped with a cache of extra …
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle - Halo Alpha
Small arms for ground combat are located within the vehicle. The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle (SOEIV), informally referred to as the Human Entry Vehicle …
《光环:词典》 - 哔哩哔哩
所以,UNSC不惜耗费一切必要的时间和经费,研发出了让部队突入大气层的第二套方案:单兵着陆器,简称HEV(Human Entry Vehicle)。 ……随着HEV表面覆盖的耐高温陶瓷层持续与大 …
【HALO载具频道】SOEIV单兵大气层外突入载具 —— 踏入地狱!
Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle / 单兵大气层外突入载具 俗称为单兵空降舱,是UNSC将单兵从轨道部署到地面的一种手段,由乌斯怀亚军械库制造。 尊容. 概述. 大多 …