Italy (ITA) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners | The Observatory …
Overview In November 2024 Italy exported €48.1B and imported €47.6B, resulting in a positive trade balance of €487M. Between November 2023 and November 2024 the exports of Italy have decreased by €-1.4B (-2.82%) from €49.5B to €48.1B, while imports decreased by €-1.49B (-3.03%) from €49.1B to €47.6B.
The Observatory of Economic Complexity
The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) offers detailed global trade data, covering over 500 subnational regions, 5,000 products, and thousands of firms. It enables users to explore trade patterns, compare economic performance, and generate reports quickly using clear visualizations.
China (CHN) and Italy (ITA) Trade - The Observatory of Economic Complexity
China-Italy Trade: In 2023, China exported $47.7B to Italy. The main products that China exported to Italy were Broadcasting Equipment ($4.05B), Electric Batteries ($1.59B), and Computers ($1.39B). Over the past 5 years the exports of China to Italy have increased at an annualized rate of 5.48%, from $36.5B in 2018 to $47.7B in 2023.
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Welcome to LE Officine Middle East LLC – Your Trusted Partner for Project Management Consulting, Energy Management, Rotating Equipment for Oil & Gas, and Architectural Engineering. At LE Officine Middle East LLC, we provide comprehensive solutions to businesses across various industries.
Le Officine S.r.l.s. - oec-ita.com
Benvenuto alle Officine – Il tuo partner di fiducia per Consulenza per la gestione dei progetti, Gestione energetica, Attrezzature per Oil&Gas, Ingegneria edile. Alle Officine forniamo soluzioni complete alle aziende di diversi settori.
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Il servizio comprende completa asseverazione inclusi computi metrici, sviluppo migliorie, e certificazioni energetiche pre e post attività. Nella presentazione potete visualizzare i requisiti ed...
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Tra le prime aziende Italiane ad utilizzare resine poliestere rinforzate in fibra di vetro nella produzione per stampaggio di apparecchiature elettriche e di serramenti destinati alle cabine elettriche e alla distribuzione di energia, OEC ha visto crescere negli anni la sua specializzazione, ponendo da sempre la qualità dei prodotti come ...
Working Team | Le Officine S.r.l.s. - oec-ita.com
Site Manager & Specialist Turbine Instrumentation and Control. BUSINESS UNIT: BU2/3.
United States (USA) and Italy (ITA) Trade | The Observatory of …
United States-Italy Trade: In 2023, United States exported $26.5B to Italy. The main products that United States exported to Italy were Crude Petroleum ($4.76B), Hormones ($3.03B), and Petroleum Gas ($2.63B).
Italy (ITA) and Senegal (SEN) Trade | OEC
Click here to try the next OEC ... Italy (ITA) and Senegal (SEN) Trade. Download Page as PDF document-open. Italy / Senegal. 2022 . → Exports ...