When is a thru date supposed to be for a PCS NCOER?
2019年2月4日 · Getting ready to PCS, my Rater says my thru date is the report date from my orders. From what I’m tracking you typically have to have an NCOER complete to clear your …
OER Processing Timeline - RallyPoint
2014年11月1日 · My last OER through date was late May 2014, which meant it was turned in to my higher HQ in early April 2014. Deadline to DA is 90 days after through date; my OER went …
When completing my first OER support form as a 2LT, what
2018年1月22日 · When is a thru date supposed to be for a PCS NCOER? 31 Votes 17 Comments What does "CAX Completion Date" date mean when filling out an Army school enrollment …
How should I determine the thru date on my NCOER for an
2019年1月20日 · The S-1 should have the date for the thru date. But the support form doesn't really matter the Rater should be the one making the correct dates and if the date isn't correct …
How do I calculate NCOER time? - RallyPoint
2021年5月17日 · However, if an event occurs that requires the preparation of an OER or NCOER (for example, “Change of Rater”) before the 12 rated months (365 rated days) have …
My annual NCOER is due in May and I will be PCSing in July. Am I ...
2020年4月13日 · The “From” date for these OERs or NCOERs will be the day after the “Thru” date of the previously completed OER or NCOER with the rating period beginning the day the …
When you receive a Change of Rater NCOER, does that change
2017年4月4日 · The key date is actually the day you fall under your rater. 365 days after you start with your rater, an annual is due. If something causes you to change your rater prior to that …
What are the requirements for an OER? - RallyPoint
2022年9月23日 · The month or two you've been back from BOLC will be tacked on to your first Annual OER as "Q" coded time. Your first OER should run from your commissioning date to …
How can a soldier refuse an OER within two months of retirement?
2024年11月6日 · However, if either the rater or senior rate want to do one, the rated officer can't stop it from being done. A 'retirement OER' (actually a Change of Duty OER) will be done if the …
How to do an NCOER with non rated time? - RallyPoint
2022年9月26日 · * Extended Annual - A mandatory code 10, “Extended Annual” report, will be prepared when any nonrated time periods have occurred since the “Thru” date of the previous …