OpenFX: the Open Visual Effects Standard
OpenFX plug-ins work across many different host platforms, from Nuke to Resolve, both open source and commercial. Using OpenFX plug-ins gives your artists access to huge collections of creativity-enhancing tools and time-saving workflows …
OFX Plugins for Resolve, Mistika & Scratch | Filmworkz
Now include an updated OFX Performance Pack for Resolve, Mistika & Scratch, optimized for Windows, Linux & Mac (including M-series processors). Dead pixel trouble? Not anymore... Auto-locate & remove here. Sharpen the image without magnifying the noise - unbelievable!
Plugins Compatible with OpenFX (OFX) - Toolfarm
FilmConvert Nitrate for OFX... Add a little Flair to your OFX projects! Flair brings 8 high quality effects, such as shine, glow, sparkle effects, and more. The effects offer 16 bit and multi CPU... Frischluft Lenscare OFX moves depth of field and out of focus generation to post-production.
达芬奇常用的OpenFX特效(外挂插件下载) - 哔哩哔哩
有了OpenFX支持,许多使用达芬奇中其他工具不能或难以实现的效果,我们可以使用OpenFX插件进行风格化操作。 镜头光晕、光学模糊、棱镜效果、镜头畸变校正、胶片/视频颗粒和损坏效果、死像素校正等效果,都可以使用OpenFX插件集完成。 OpenFX插件的安装和授权是由插件供应商自己控制的,只要安装好OpenFX插件,它们就会自动出现在OpenFX面板的库中。 OpenFX可以同时在剪辑,fusion,调色模式中使用,看你的流程和个人喜好。 下面我来列举下一些常用 …
OpenFX (API) - Wikipedia
OpenFX (OFX), a.k.a. The OFX Image Effect Plug-in API, is an open standard for 2D visual effects or compositing plug-ins. It allows plug-ins written to the standard to work on any application that supports the standard.
OFX插件 - 捡屁笑的小站
2025年2月26日 · 屡获殊荣的VFX插件套装 Sapphire 2024 插件可让你制作出任何主机原生特效工具都无法比拟的令人惊叹的有机效果。 主要功能包括 270 多种特效和 3000 多种预设、强大的特效和过渡生成器,以及与奥斯卡获奖产品 Mocha 集成的跟踪和遮罩功能。
Plugins - OpenFX
This page contains a list of plugins which can enhance the functionality of OpenFX. These are binary files containing code that will be used by OpenFX to perform tasks such as image preprocessing and model animation effects.
GitHub - NatronGitHub/openfx-misc: Miscellaneous OFX / …
Miscellaneous OFX / OpenFX / Open Effects plugins. These plugins were primarily developped for Natron, but may be used with other OpenFX hosts. More information about OpenFX Hosts, OpenFX Plugins (commercial or free), and OpenFX documentation can be found at http://devernay.free.fr/hacks/openfx/.
Suite of VFX and Color Grading OFX Plugins - Video Artifact
All ingenuity is used to create fast and modern OFX plugins for DaVinci Resolve and Fusion. A speed without a loosing quality is a must for each plugin. The software is designed for a 32-bit color processing using CUDA or OpenCL. Most plugins are optimized for a realtime playback even on old video cards.
4 Essential OpenFX Plugins for DaVinci Resolve: A Guide to Usage
In this tutorial, we will explore some of the most commonly used Open FX plugins in DaVinci Resolve, showcasing their features and demonstrating how to make the most of them in your editing workflow.