Measure X Software - OGP®
From creating part measurement routines to operating an OGP system in a production work environment, Measure-X® metrology software offers power without intimidation. Measure-X® features a full set of image processing and autofocus tools, geometric functions, ANSI/ISO tolerances, easy editing, and contour analysis. Compatible with touch probes ...
影像仪_影像三次元_测量系统_光学|影像|三维测量仪器及系统-奥智 …
75 年来,ogp 一直致力于一系列创新系统和传感器的研发和制造,ogp ® 率先采用影像、接触式和激光传感器的多元传感测量方法,用单台测量设备解决客户多重难题。尤其是高尖端行业相关的挑战,ogp ® 是这些客户开发、维护和提高产品质量的理想选择。全球 ...
iTMS 全光网管理-快速入门V1.5 — iRouter 文档帮助中心 V1.0 文档
ITMS 服务器和光猫之间是VPN 连接,或经过了路由器(NAT),缺少必要的路由. 线路存在故障,丢包引起. 4.7.2 PING光猫管理IP . 在ITMS 服务器上PING 光猫汇报IP,数量50 个以上,观察是否有丢包: 检查结果( packet loss 为丢包率): 正常情况下应为0,否则表示丢包!
Product Selector | Industrial Measurement Solutions - OGP®
OGP Authorized Representatives are metrology specialists, qualified to evaluate your measurement requirements and recommend the solution that best fits your needs. Your local representative is ready to help you with product details, demonstrations, training, or …
Optical Gaging Products | Metrology Equipment - OGP®
OGP® pioneered multisensor measurement with vision, touch probe and laser sensors. For over 75 years, OGP has consistently led with a succession of innovative systems and sensors to tackle the most difficult measurement challenges. Multisensor metrology is the preferred quality control technology for leading manufacturers to develop, maintain ...
iTMS 全光网管理-进阶指南V1.2 — iRouter 文档帮助中心 V1.0 文档
4.2.5. itms 跨路由部署. 1. 简介 . 本指南是《itms 全光网管理 - 快速入门指南》的进阶篇,适用于有一定基础的用户阅读和参考。 2. olt/onu 管理 2.1. 按pon 口注册不同vlan . olt 1 号业务板卡有0-7 一共8 个pon 口,要求:
ITMS系统|ALLinPOL|融合网络|全光网ITMS综合业务管理系 …
免费itms tr069 acs服务器 ITMS 用于POL网络(全光网络)中对 OLT、ONU、光猫(含集成机顶盒功能的融合网关)设备的统一配置管理。 它能够对多台OLT集中远程管理、对ONU进行批量配置,以及实现无人AI全自动发现、注册、开通光纤终端业务,做到光网络终端真正意义 ...
Products | OGP | MVP - ogpnet.ch
The entry-level SmartScope MVP multi-sensor range maintains OGP’s uncompromisingly high standards by offering maximum performance in general measurement operations delivering optimal reliability and accuracy at an affordable price. MVP provides multi-sensor metrology that will meet any general measurement application using the same advanced software and high-quality components as the rest of ...
OGP影像测量仪 - 百度百科
OGP的三次元测量仪器,采用非接触式(光学)的方式,用于测量各种材质、颜色、透明或半透明零件的几何尺寸和形位公差(更可以在同一坐标系下采用激光、探针等测量方式);测量行程从200mm到2000mm,测量精度从2um到4um,可根据用户产品的特点和要求量身选配经济、高效的测 …
发一个关于ITMS系统的教程『 光猫FTTx技术交流区 』 - Powered …
本帖最后由 wang7000 于 2024-10-20 20:22 编辑 今天在学习光猫注册过程的时候,找到两篇关于ITMS系统的文章,详细介绍了ITMS系统,分享给大家
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