What is the origin of 'Gosh'? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年5月20日 · 'Gosh' is a common substitute for the word 'God' in phrases such as 'Oh My Gosh' or 'By Gosh' or just 'Gosh'. Is this just a corruption of the word 'God' or does it have some other provenance? How long has it been in use? [25nov2017] The usual secondary sources, OED and Etymology Online, don't seem to adequately answer the questions. For ...
expressions - Oh my God, Oh my Lord, Oh my Gosh - English …
2013年12月16日 · Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain - hence the Gosh for God. Also it is considered not really swearing when you use Gosh Same idea when using "chips" instead of "shit" - it sounds the same but is less offensive to parents
present day english - Historically, did "Oh my Gosh" originate as …
2018年12月13日 · There is a tendency in traditionally Christian societies (grossly speaking, the West) to leave behind words or expression which allude to such heritage or faith. A familiar example is CE and BCE instead of AD and BC. I'm interested here with the case of "Oh my Gosh", which is used instead of "Oh my God".
Comma usage in the phrase "Oh my God"
2014年5月13日 · Oh, grandmother, what big ears you have!" "All the better to hear you with." "Oh, grandmother, what big eyes you have!" "All the better to see you with." "Oh, grandmother, what big hands you have!" "All the better to grab you with!" "Oh, grandmother, what a horribly big mouth you have! Also, you can also visit the following link to clear your ...
Meaning of gosh all, git-up in this context
2017年5月3日 · Oh, gosh all, git up, how'd they get so lit up? It refers to the eyes of a person. My question is: what does "gosh all, git up" mean in this sentence? I think gosh all is a simple exclamation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines git-up as . drive, energy, aggressiveness. This makes no sense to me.
What does ”gosh” mean? [closed] - English Language & Usage …
2021年11月4日 · To a certain kind of religious mentality, "gosh" is a euphemism for God, just as "hades" is a euphemism for Hell. euphemism - "a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive." Once a euphemism, nowadays it's just an interjection. gosh - used as a mild oath or to express surprise.
Meaning of "oh freak" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2016年10月16日 · Believe it or not, I've heard "oh crab cakes" as a replacement for "oh crap", used by an unusually pious individual, the son of a priest. – cdaddr Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 6:33
"Oh, dear!" vs. "Oh dear!" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年10月1日 · Oh dear what can the matter be Oh dear what can the matter be Oh dear what can the matter be Johnny so long at the fair He'll buy me some Bonnie blue ribbon He'll buy me some Bonnie blue ribbon He'll buy me some Bonnie blue ribbon To tie up my Bonnie brown hair. As you can see in this song it is just Oh dear! And not Oh, dear! But I have seen ...
american english - Comma use with "Oh" phrases - English …
2020年7月22日 · "Oh no!", "Oh wow!", "Oh boy!" and a few others are idiomatic exclamations. And "Oh" is an exclamation by itself. When an exclamation precedes a sentence such as "I forgot to turn off the water" or "woe is me" or "that is fantastic" then it …
"My goodness!" Mine? Goodness? - English Language & Usage …
2011年9月5日 · The Phrase Doctor writes that my goodness is a minced oath:. My goodness --> My God. My gosh --> My God. So the phrase was used instead of swearing, with goodness being a euphemism.