O RLY? - Wikipedia
The phrase "O RLY?", an abbreviated form of "Oh, really?", is popularly used in Internet forums in a sarcastic manner, often in response to an obvious, predictable, [2][3] or blatantly false statement. Similar owl image macros followed the original to present different views, including images with the phrases "YA RLY" (Yeah, really.), "NO WAI!!"
O RLY? - Know Your Meme
O RLY is internet slang for “OH REALLY?” with implicit sarcasm. Since gaining traction through with usage on Internet forums, O RLY has become a popular deadpan response to any statement that is deemed either highly doubtful or obviously true.
O RLY? - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
O RLY? 是英语 Oh, really? 的拟音简称,即是中文书面语的“噢,真的?”,是欧美国家网络上的网络现象,常用于疑问或者讽刺他人言论。它的整个形像其实是一幅改图:一只雪鸮表现著“惊讶”的
O RLY? - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
O RLY? 是英語 Oh, really? 的擬音簡稱,即是中文書面語的「噢,真的?」,是歐美國家網絡上的網絡現象,常用於疑問或者諷刺他人言論。它的整個形像其實是一幅改圖:一隻雪鴞表現著「驚訝」的
Jul 11, 2018 · Tbh,RLY,AkA...这些老外短信中经常出现的缩写究竟是啥意思? 相比于中国网友们爱用的表情包和颜文字,歪果仁们更爱用短信或是Whatspp来聊天,而如果让一个不懂行的中国人来看他们的短信,可能仿佛就是在看“天方夜谭”。 显然,美国人也有自己特色的发短信习惯,比如一大堆你看不懂的缩写。 为了能让留学生能够顺利地融入当地,小编在这里特地为大家整合了那些基础的美国人懒得不能再懒得缩写. WTH = What the hell 什么鬼? WTF = What the f*** 什 …
Know Your Meme: O RLY? - YouTube
May 19, 2011 · Re: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/o-rlyKnow Your Meme scientist Elspethjane looks into the origin of "O RLY?", internet slang for "OH REALLY?" with heavy sar...
O rly - Urban Dictionary
Internet slang, short for "Oh, really?". Used in the following ways; often sarcastic: 1. In response to someone who has said/pointed out something very obvious. 2. In response to someone who has insulted you or has aggressively disagreed with you. 3. In response to a boring, nerdy comment you don't understand or care about (i.e. a peice of trivia)
O RLY - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Dec 19, 2024 · (Internet slang, dated) Expressing interest, usually with implied sarcasm or disdain. Excessive use of Internet-speak, 1337-speak or chat fads (such as the "O RLY?" "YA RLY"! exchange) are banned. While these are acceptable in small doses, too much use is spamming and just plain annoying.
O RLY? | Roblox Wiki | Fandom
Aug 6, 2024 · The phrase "O RLY?", an abbreviated form of "Oh, really?", is popularly used in internet forums in a sarcastic manner, often in response to an obvious, predictable, or blatantly false statement. This item popped out of Brighteyes' Mystery Box on 4/19/2010 at 2:00 PM PDT.
O RLY? - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
O RLY? is an Internet meme often used in chat rooms or Forums. It is short for Oh, really?. O RLY is used as a response to an above post or comment to show (sarcastically) that it is obvious, clear, or apparent. O RLY? is usually followed by YA RLY, then NO WAI. This sarcasm is not to be confused with trolling, disrupting a forum, or a chat ...