A Guide to the Determination of Oxidation Induction Time
How to Measure Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) And Oxidation Onset Temperature (OOT)? OIT is the time from the initial exposure to oxygen to the onset of exothermic decomposition at the isothermal temperature of the test. It gives a relative measure of the stability of the test material toward oxidation.
Oxidative Induction Times (OIT) Testing by Differential Scanning ...
The Oxidation Induction Times Test (OIT), as carried out in a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), is used to predict thermo-oxidative performance of a material. Samples are heated up under a nitrogen atmosphere, typically to 200C.
Oxidative-induction time - Wikipedia
Oxidation induction time or OIT is a standardized test performed in a DSC which measures the level of thermal stabilization of the material tested. The time between melting and the onset of decomposition in isothermal conditions is measured.
什么是氧化诱导期?(OIT) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
氧化诱导期 (OIT)是测定试样在高温(200摄氏度)氧气条件下开始发生自动催化氧化反应的时间,是评价材料在成型加工、储存、焊接和使用中耐热降解能力的指标。 氧化诱导期(简称OIT)方法是一种采用 差热分析法 (DTA)以塑料分子链断裂时的放热反应为依据,测试塑料在高温氧气中加速老化程度的方法。 其原理是:将塑料试样与惰性参比物(如 氧化铝)置于差热分析仪中,使其在一定温度下用氧气迅速置换试样室内的惰性气体(如氮气)。 测试由于试样氧 …
OIT Measurements by Means of Thermal Analysis - METTLER …
OOT and OIT are accelerated test methods. They allow you to compare and assess the oxidative stability of materials and the performance of stabilizers much more quickly than by traditional methods. This webinar also describes a number of applications to illustrate the possibilities that the OIT technique offers in various fields.
OIT Measurements by Thermal Analysis - AZoM.com
2018年6月27日 · The OIT test is a standardized isothermal measurement performed with a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The test is used to assess the level of stabilization of a material by determining the time to the onset of oxidative decomposition.
Oxidative Stability of Polymers: The OIT Test - Analyzing & Testing
2023年1月7日 · Oxidative-Induction Temperature (dynamic OIT) or Oxidative-Onset Temperature (OOT) is a relative measure of the resistance of a (stabilized) material to oxidative decomposition. OIT, with a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). These tests are internationally recognized and described in different standards, e.g., ASTM D3895-92, ASTM D6186 ...
Determination of the Oxidation Induction Time or Temperature: OIT …
Oxidative-Induction Temperature (dynamic OIT) or Oxidative-Onset Temperature (OOT) is a relative measure of the resistance of a (stabilized) material to oxidative decomposition. OIT) by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in standardized procedures.
Standard Test Method for Oxidative-Induction Time of Polyolefins …
2023年8月21日 · 1.1 This test method outlines a procedure for the determination of oxidative-induction time (OIT) of polymeric materials by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It is applicable to polyolefin resins that are in a fully stabilized/compounded form.
OIT is an accelerated test used as a qualitative evaluation of the oxidative stability of a material. This time can be used as criteria of the thermal stability of polyolefins in an oxidative atmosphere. The OIT method is standardized in ASTM® D 3895 and DIN EN 728 for polyolefins.