What does 'gotcha' mean? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年6月17日 · Gotcha actually has several meanings. All of them can be derived from the phrase of which this is a phonetic spelling, namely " [I have] got you". Literally, from the sense of got = "caught, obtained", it means "I've caught you". As in, you were falling, and I caught you, or you were running, and I grabbed you.
gotcha or got ya? - TextRanch
2024年8月4日 · 'Gotcha' and 'got ya' are commonly used phrases in informal English. They are informal contractions of 'got you' and are used to express understanding or agreement. The choice between them is a matter of personal preference or regional variation. This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal English.
口语里常说的“I get you”和“I got you”有什么区别?_ Do you
2018年9月20日 · “I get you”和“I got you” 的主要差别, 在于“I got you” 的含意更广,多出一些“I get you” 没有的意思。 1.我抓到你了,等同于I caught you,可以是具体地抓住一个人。 A: I got you. 我抓到你了。 B: Okay. Now I'm it. 好吧。 现在我是鬼。 2.也可以是抽象地抓住某人的谎言、玩笑话等,通常用在比较轻松、幽默的场合。 A: I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在说什么。 B: Stop kidding around. I got you. 别闹了。 我知道你在骗人。 3.我帮你、我支持 …
美剧高频口语:酷酷的“Got you!(Gotcha!)”怎么用呢?
“I get you.”这句话同样能表达“我明白了”这个意思,但它们俩有两处不同。 一是“I get you.”的意思单一,不能表示“我抓住你了”等其他的意思。 二是“I get you”不能去掉主语“I”简写成“Get you”,必须三个词一起出现,但“I Got you!”、“Got you!”和“Gotcha!”这三种形式却都是正确的,可以互换使用。 今天关于“Gotcha!”的英语小知识你都掌握了吗? 喜欢的话点点赞和关注哦! 我们下期见~
Gotcha, Gotta, Got it: Meaning & Examples - Espresso English
What do gotcha, gotta, and got it mean – and how do we use them in informal spoken English? All of these involve the word “got,” but they are different! The word gotcha is a contraction of “got you,” (got you –> got ya –> gotcha) and it has two meanings: One is “I understand you.” For example: “Hey, wanna get some coffee after class?”
[英][ˈɡɔtʃə][美][ˈɡɑtʃə],是got you的简写,常用于口语 ,意思是:“我可逮着你了,是不是? ”;字面意思是:“抓到你了” 可以引申为“明白你的意思”; “骗到你了”。
What Does Gotcha Mean? - Meaning, Uses and More - FluentSlang
2023年9月19日 · The term gotcha is a slang term that means “I understand you” or “Ah, I get you.” It is a combination of the words “got” and “ya.” The term is commonly used informally in conversation to indicate comprehension or agreement. It …
What is the meaning of "got ya!"? - Question about English (US)
2019年12月23日 · casual/informal way of saying you understand someone or "i got you" but it can also mean: 1) to catch someone, like when children play a game of tag and chase each other. 2) an expression for catching someone else in the act of doing something. 3) catching someone off guard, like when you take a photo without them noticing.
"got ya!"是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (美國)(英文)的問題 | HiNative
casual/informal way of saying you understand someone or "i got you" but it can also mean: 1) to catch someone, like when children play a game of tag and chase each other. 2) an expression for catching someone else in the act of doing something. 3) catching someone off guard, like when you take a photo without them noticing.
"I get it" just means "I understand". "I got it" means you came to ...
2020年4月1日 · "I get you" is usually for something non trivial "I understand what you are trying to explain" or "I understand you as person" or "I can relate to you". "I get it" just means "I understand". "I got it" means you came to understand it in the past. Example: "He explained it to me again last night and I suddenly got it! Now I get it!"