Where did the term "OK/Okay" come from? - English Language
A sudden upsurge in instances of OK toward the end of 1840 suggests that that was the year when usage of the term became so common that newspapers could effectively devote space to talking about where the phrase originated—and to post jokes about it, such as an item asserting that, according to "the Ladies," it stood for "only kissing;" a ...
Is it natural to say "Ok, I will"? - English Language & Usage Stack ...
2020年6月15日 · Saying ok I will is completely fine and perfectly natural to me. I'm a senior citizen, make note that everyone speaks a little differently especially depending on where you are. I noticed that my grammar can change to slightly more proper if …
Difference between "OK" and "okay" - English Language & Usage …
2012年3月10日 · The Origin of OK "OK" was born in America in the 1830s. Much like the text messaging abbreviations of today, "OK" was an abbreviation for a funny misspelling of "all correct": "oll korrekt." According to the Oxford English …
What's the difference between: Is it ok for you?, and: Is it ok with …
2014年9月17日 · Keeping it simple,when we say something is ok with us, it means that it is agreeable to us. However, when we say something is ok for us, it means that it is convenient for us. For example: A: How about having Korean food for dinner tonight? B: Sure. That’s ok with me. I like Korean food. A: I’d like to get together with you at 3:00 this ...
What does Ok! indicate - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2017年4月24日 · Excessive use of exclamation marks is frowned upon by grammar gurus. But my young sister N, who is very fond of the (!)-- not to the extent of using multiple !!!!!, but particular to use the single (!) like a full stop -- says that text message or email sentences appear dull, flat and lifeless with full stops instead of exclamations!
What is "Oki-doki" or "Oki-dokie" or "Okay-dokay"
2017年4月13日 · Okay, since now we know what is the origin of OK (I like the Oll Korrect version), I have another question about it's relative: What is an "Oki-doki" or "Oki-dokie" or "Okay-dokay"?
meaning - Is "fair enough" the same as "OK"? - English Language …
2012年5月27日 · 'OK' means many things and is very frequent. It can mean 'I agree' or 'I accept what you say' or 'Yes' or similar affirmatory things. 'fair enough' means a (non-confrontational) argument-disagreement is being conducted, and you are conceding a point (which is affirmatory).
meaning - What is the difference between "ok" and "alright"?
2014年8月4日 · If you believe the Orl Korrect etymology, I think it relates to American Military jargon, presenting on parade. In the computer and mobile world, it has a special role as being short - so OK and NO are the positive/negative answers you can give in two characters. OK often means you are agreeing without really caring one way or the other.
What is the meaning of "I got you"?
One meaning is the one "used to express satisfaction at having captured or defeated someone or uncovered their faults", also intended as not literal; You can see an example in The longest yard trailer. Look from the minute 1:32 to roughly 1:40.
phrase meaning - Does 'I'm ok.' mean yes or no? - English …
2018年4月13日 · To me it seems that I'm ok / good / fine indicates that I have no need of anything at the moment. So if I'm being offered something, it basically means, No, thank you-- which would be a more formal and polite expression to use. Some people might take that as "rejection", although I doubt that is the real intent.