Difference between "OK" and "okay" - English Language & Usage …
2012年3月10日 · "OK" and "Okay" Are Both OK The two spellings peacefully coexist today: the Associate Press recommends "OK" and the Chicago Manual of Style recommends "okay." My publisher follows Chicago style for my books, but to honor the word's origins, I insist on "OK" instead of "okay." So far, they have been kind enough to indulge me.
Where did the term "OK/Okay" come from? - English Language
OK or okay {abbr. of oll korrect, facetious alter. of all correct} (1839) : all right My assessment Searches of the Google Books database and the Library of Congress Chronicling America newspaper database confirm that it is difficult to find a legitimate instance of OK in the sense of "all right" or "all correct" from before 1840.
What is "Oki-doki" or "Oki-dokie" or "Okay-dokay"
2017年4月13日 · For the same reason you suggested Oki-doki-- it's easier to say than okay-dokay. Changing one letter from okay to okey keeps a resemblance with the original -- if ever it should need to be written down, which isn't often.
grammaticality - When is it OK to use OK? - English Language
2011年2月3日 · Suspiciously, it turned out that "okay" is a word from the same languages African slaves spoke, and it means "OK". Early Americans didn't like to acknowledge the African contribution to American culture, which is the likely reason for the acronymic construction.
OK, thanks vs OK; thanks - English Language & Usage Stack …
2016年5月31日 · No, “OK, thanks” is not a comma splice. A comma splice is using a comma to join two independent clauses, and neither “OK” nor “thanks” is an independent clause—they are both exclamations—so there’s nothing wrong with using a comma. You can also use a semicolon or even a full stop or an ellipsis if you wish to imply a longer ...
What's the difference between: Is it ok for you?, and: Is it ok with …
2014年9月17日 · Keeping it simple,when we say something is ok with us, it means that it is agreeable to us. However, when we say something is ok for us, it means that it is convenient for us. For example: A: How about having Korean food for dinner tonight? B: Sure. That’s ok with me. I like Korean food. A: I’d like to get together with you at 3:00 this ...
Difference between "Is that ok?" vs. "Is this ok?" [closed]
Here, I would say to you also: Yes, that's OK [referring to what you offered]. This would not be used here in speech to refer to earlier speech. In reference to a series of thoughts or ideas when two people or more are talking, in general, one uses THAT, in reference to one's own speech or in reference to what another person says.
When does 'okay' work as an answer to a question to replace yes?
2016年2月18日 · I think the OED's definition of Okay clarifies this nicely. It says "Expressing assent, concession, or approval, esp. with regard to a previous statement or question: yes, all right." So it is only in the sense of expressing approval that okay and yes mean the same thing. Other meanings of yes are not included.
Punctuation around the word "OK" at the end of a sentence
2012年10月21日 · When stating a polite request, using a period is absolutely correct. For example: "Could you pass me that piece of paper, please." Also, since no one else has mentioned this yet, the correct way to write "OK" is always "okay." Save the abbreviated form for text messages and informal writing only.
What is the difference between "ok" and "alright"?
2014年8月4日 · "OK" is particularly difficult, with many folk etymologies (like letterism for "Orl Korrect") and even an expansion or two (Okey Dokey and okay). It is very informal, and I believe quite universal across brands of English, but perhaps less in Britain.