OKB - Wikipedia
Opytno-Konstruktorskoye Byuro), which translates to "Experimental Design Bureau." During the Soviet era, OKBs were closed institutions working on design and prototyping of advanced technology, usually for military applications. The corresponding English language term for such a bureau's activity is R&D or " research and development."
Sukhoi - Wikipedia
It was founded in the Soviet Union by Pavel Sukhoi in 1939 as the Sukhoi Design Bureau (OKB-51, design office prefix Su). During February 2006, the Russian government merged Sukhoi with Mikoyan, Ilyushin, Irkut, Tupolev, and Yakovlev as a …
Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara - Wikipedia
Organizata e Kombeve të Bashkuara (shkurt: OKB), është themeluar pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore ( zyrtarizuar plotesisht me 24 tetor 1945) me qëllim forcimin e bashkëpunimit midis shteteve të botës, zhvillimin ekonomik dhe ruajtjen e paqes në botë. Qendra e OKB-së është në Gjenevë, ndërsa aktivitetet i zhvillon në qendrën e selisë në Nju Jork, SHBA.
Lavochkin - Wikipedia
The company was founded in 1937 as OKB-301, a Soviet aircraft design bureau (OKB). The head designer was Vladimir P. Gorbunov [ru], supported by Mikhail Gudkov [ru] and Semyon Lavochkin. In October 1945 Lavochkin was promoted for the head designer of the design bureau. The bureau gained distinction for its family of piston-engined fighter aircraft during World War II, and later shifted to ...
ALEX Berlin – Wikipedia
Alex Berlin (eigene Schreibweise: ALEX oder auch ALEX Berlin) ist ein Radio- und Fernsehsender in Berlin. Er ist aus dem 1985 gegründetem Bürgersender Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB) hervorgegangen, der mit der Gründung der Alex am 27. Mai 2009 seinen Betrieb einstellte.
OKB | Military Wiki | Fandom
OKB is a transliteration of the Russian initials of "Опытное конструкторское бюро" - Opytnoe Konstructorskoe Byuro, meaning Experimental Design Bureau. During the Soviet era, OKBs were closed institutions working on design and prototyping of advanced technology, usually for …
俄罗斯能源火箭公司 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki …
俄罗斯能源火箭公司 (Energia,也叫RKK Energia、S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia),前身为OKB-1,主要生产航天器、运载火箭、火箭发射级和导弹。 它制造了世界上第一枚洲际弹道导弹和第一颗人造卫星 斯普特尼克1号,并开创了苏联空间站的开发和运营,包括 礼炮 系列和 和平号。 它的总部位于莫斯科郊区的科罗列夫(前加里宁格勒)。 公司是 国际空间站 (ISS)的主要承包商。 在空间站发展的最初阶段,它负责设计服务模块Zvezda、空间站的控 …
OKB - Cryptocurrencies | IQ.wiki
2024年6月25日 · OKB is the native utility token of the OKX cryptocurrency exchange, launched in March 2018 by the OK Blockchain Foundation. OKX has implemented a quarterly buyback-and-burn program since May 2019 to reduce the circulating supply, aiming to enhance the token's value and encourage holding.
大垣共立銀行 - Wikipedia
株式会社大垣共立銀行 (おおがききょうりつぎんこう、 英: The Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd.)は、 岐阜県 大垣市 に本店を置く 地方銀行。 通称は「OKB」、「大共(だいきょう)」
OKB (disambiguation) - Wikipedia
OKB is a transliteration of "ОКБ" the Russian initials of " опытно-конструкторское бюро " (Russian: Opytno-Konstruktorskoye Byuro, lit. 'Experimental Design Bureau'). may also refer to:
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