俄罗斯能源火箭公司 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰 …
俄罗斯能源火箭公司 (Energia,也叫RKK Energia、S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia),前身为OKB-1,主要生产航天器、运载火箭、火箭发射级和导弹。 它制造了世界 …
Energia (corporation) - Wikipedia
OKB-1 was among others responsible for the development of the crewed Soyuz spacecraft and its Soyuz rocket, the N1 "Moon Shot" rocket, large parts of the Salyut space station program, the …
OKB-1 150 - Wikipedia
The OKB-1 150 was a jet bomber designed and produced in the Soviet Union from 1948. At the end of World War II, many German engineers were 'seconded' by the Soviet government to …
Russian Aerospace Company & Launch Services - Britannica Money
In 1950 the department was upgraded to an experimental design bureau (OKB), and in 1956 it formally separated from NII-88 and became the independent OKB-1. Yuri Gagarin (left), the …
OKB-1 | Soviet design bureau | Britannica
Other articles where OKB-1 is discussed: Energia: …NII-88 and became the independent OKB-1.
High-speed Bomber «150» - AirPages
OKB-1 Creation of the "150" front bomber with sweptback wing became the last OKB-1 task. In contrast to the machines described above, it was not a development of WWII German aircraft …
苏联航天史(1)格鲁什科的野望 - 知乎
【南方设计局和它威名赫赫的导弹们(1)】扬格利与OKB-586的 …
R-2导弹在苏军部队 1953年6月,首枚R-1的改进型R-2导弹被制造了出来,更为强大的,由科罗廖夫的OKB-1设计的世界上首枚中程弹道导弹R-5也在准备测试中。
OKB销毁公示 (2024年12月01日-2025年2月28日) | 欧易
6 天之前 · OKX 将继续与全球支持者建立牢固的联系,同时听取反馈意见来为用户提供更好的服务。如果您有任何意见或建议,请随时与我们联系: 官方邮箱: [email protected] 欧易团队 2025 …
OKB-1 S.P.Korolev - GlobalSecurity.org
On May 20, 1954, the Soviet Government issued a resolution instructing OKB-1 to develop an intercontinental and thermonuclear-capable missile. Special Design Bureau No. 456 headed …