Sights needed - Glock Talk
2025年1月26日 · The bombing will begin in five minutes." (Ronald Reagan 11 August 1984) Reactions: Brandon Breeze. Save ...
To build or not to build, an AR in 9mm. | Glock Talk
2025年3月10日 · The bombing will begin in five minutes." (Ronald Reagan 11 August 1984) Reactions: Glockdude1. Save Share ...
Glock 42 with +P Ammo - Everyday EDC? - Glock Talk
2021年4月13日 · Absolutely, as long as the gun was reliable with that ammo. The Glock is strong enough to handle the Plus+P ammo, and the best ammo is the 90 grain XTP ammo, but if that doesn't feed reliably in your gun, you might try the Underwood 90 grain plus+P extreme penetrator with the phillips-head bullet as a second choice.
Best brand dies for .270 Win? | Glock Talk
2011年11月12日 · When I was at Bass Pro in OKC yesterday, I looked at Hornady (nice!), RCBS, Lyman, and Lee. I've heard the name Redding and a couple of others, so I don't know which way to go. I almost got the Lee set because they came with the FCD! :supergrin: Hope everyone is …
G42 and Underwood Ammo - Glock Talk
2020年7月3日 · Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more!
Pawn Store prices - Glock Talk
2019年1月9日 · What is the best price you've seen on a Glock at a pawn shop? I saw one in a store a few days ago but didn't inquire. Looked to be a G17 or 22 and it looked like it was priced at $499. Looked to be a gen3 and looked a little rough on the exterior. Typically, this place puts a price on a gun and...