OKS 230 – MoS₂ High-Temperature Paste
OKS 230 is a high-temperature paste with MoS₂. Find a dealer Areas of application. Lubrication of temperature-stressed machine parts, e.g. rolling bearings, friction bearings, slideways, chains, rollers or moving parts in hot forming, heat treatment or drying; Dry lubrication, e.g. of kiln and rack-truck bearings, bearings of pouring ladles ...
oks 230 二硫化钼高温润滑膏 版本 1.5 修订日期: 2025-02-19 前次修订日期: 2022-10-13 最初编制日期: 2014-07-21 打印日期: 2025-02-19 2 / 13 ghs标签要素 非危险物质或混合物。 物理和化学危险 根据现有信息无需进行分类。 健康危害 根据现有信息无需进行分类。 环境危害
High-Temperature Paste MoS2 250g OKS 230 | Tameson.com
Apply this high-temperature paste with MoS 2 to lubricate temperature-stressed machine parts. Applications include hot forming, heat treatment, or drying, they may be rolling bearings, friction bearings, slideways, chains, or rollers. At normal temperatures, it can lubricate plastics and rubber that are not resistant to mineral oil.
OKS 230 is a high-temperature paste with MoS2. For best adhesion, clean the threads and sliding surfaces from dirt and other lubricants. Best way is to clean mechanically first and then with OKS 2610 or OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Apply paste evenly thin onto the sliding areas with brush, spatula, etc. Remove excessing paste.
OKS 230, MoS2 high-temperature paste - 250 g container
OKS 230, MoS2 high-temperature paste Usage: For high-temperature applications up to 450°C. Avoids wear, stick-slip, seizures, running-in damage, pitting. Carrier oil evaporates completely from 200°C. Storage of casting ladles, converters, kiln cars or.similar. Subsequent lubrication during operation with OKS 310.
OKS 230 | MoS2-Pasten | Pasten | Produkte - Online Shop
OKS 230 ist eine Hochtemperaturpaste mit MoS₂. Einsatzgebiete Schmierung temperaturbeanspruchter Maschinenteile, z.B. Wälzlager, Gleitlager, Gleit- und Führungsbahnen, Ketten, Rollen oder bewegte Teile in der Warmumformung, Wärmebehandlung oder Trocknung
OKS 230 1 KG/罐 -Lubpur超润
oks 230二硫化钼对金属具有强亲和力,因此效果显著。oks 230具备最高负荷能力,同时能将摩擦降到最低。并且oks 230用途多样,不高于200°c时作为润滑膏使用,在200°c至450°c之间时作为干式润滑剂使用。 原装进口,库存现货,价格优惠,库存齐全!
OKS 230 MoS2High-Temperature Paste OKS 230 - Product Information Fields of Application: Lubrication of temperature-stressed machine parts, e.g. rolling bearings, friction bearings, slideways, chains, rollers or moving parts in hot forming, heat treatment or drying. Dry lubrication, e.g. of kiln and rack-truck bearings, bearings of pouring
OKS 230 MoS2-Hochtemperaturpaste OKS 230 - Produktinformation Einsatzgebiete: Schmierung temperaturbeanspruchter Maschinenteile, z.B. Wälzlager, Gleitlager, Gleit- und Führungsbahnen, Ketten, Rollen oder bewegte Teile in der Warmumformung, Wärmebehandlung oder Trocknung. Trockenschmierung, z.B.
OKS 230_进口原装正品_市场报价_OKS经销商_Lubpur超润
oks 230 是一种含有二硫化钼的高温糊状物。