OKS 621 - Rust Remover, Spray | OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH
OKS 621 is a fast-acting rust dissolver for industry, workshop and hobby applications. The solvent contained in OKS 621 cools down the assembled parts/screws rapidly to -40°C. This results in a slight shrinkage of the affected profile. Capillary cracks in the corrosion layer appear, allowing an easier penetration of the creeping oil.
OKS 621 - 除锈剂,喷剂 | OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH
OKS 621 是适合工业、车间和业余使用的快速除锈剂。 喷洒在嵌入件或螺丝上时,内含溶剂将极其快速地冷却至最低 –40℃。 横截面从而稍微减小并且在腐蚀层中形成微小的裂缝。 蠕变油从而可以轻易渗透。 使用前请清除粗糙的污垢。 使用前请摇动罐子。 在距离约 10–15 cm 开外均匀细薄地喷洒在需溶解的化合物上,稍等 1–2 分钟待产品充分发挥作用。 如有必要,则重复该操作。 OKS 解决方案已成功应用于众多行业。 该产品适合用于如下领域: OKS 621 是适合工业、车 …
Rust remover | OKS Speciality Lubricants
OKS 621 is a fast-acting rust dissolver for industry, workshop and hobby applications. The solvent contained in OKS 621 cools down the assembled parts/screws rapidly to -40. Clean components from dirt. Shake well before use.
High-performance rust remover for fast and nondestructive disassembly of extremely seized-up parts or bolts, e.g. for vehicles, agricultural or construction machinery, vessels and port facilities; also for all machinery in industry and trade. The solvent contained in OKS 621 cools down the assembled parts/screws rapidly to -40°C.
OKS 621原装现货直发德国奥凯斯除锈剂润滑剂-阿里巴巴
这是oks 621原装现货直发德国奥凯斯除锈剂润滑剂的详细页面。 产地:德国,类别:石墨润滑剂,货号:338,品牌:OKS,应用领域:润滑、防锈,规格:OKS 621,是否危险化学品:否。
OKS 621 - (F)Rost Breaker, Spray | OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH
OKS 621 ist ein schnellwirkender Rostlöser für Industrie, Werkstatt und Hobby. Das enthaltene Lösemittel kühlt beim Aufsprühen die Fügeteile oder Schrauben extrem schnell auf bis zu –40°C ab. Der Querschnitt reduziert sich dadurch marginal und es entstehen mikrofeine Risse in der Korrosionsschicht.
OKS 621_进口原装正品_市场报价_产品代理供应商_Lubpur超润
oks 621 是一种适用于工业、车间和业余爱好的速效除锈剂。 所含的溶剂在喷涂时可极快地将待连接部件或螺钉冷却至 -40 °C。 这减少了横截面...
Penetrating oil spray - 621 - OKS Spezialschmierstoffe GmbH ...
OKS 621 is a fast-acting rust dissolver for industry, workshop and hobby applications. The solvent contained in OKS 621 cools down the assembled parts/screws rapidly to -40°C. This results in a slight shrinkage of the affected profile. Capillary cracks in the corrosion layer appear, allowing an easier penetration of the creeping oil.
OKS 621 - TechStore
Destruction-free dismantling of seized or rusted-in machine elements. Breaks open corrosion layers by cooling down to -40°C. Penetration of creep oil into microsize cracks. Fast-acting rust dissolver for industry, workshop and hobby applications. Operating temperature: -10°C -> +40°C. Before applying, remove coarse soiling. Shake can before use.
OKS 621 | Rostlöser | Wartungsprodukte - Online Shop
OKS 621 ist ein schnellwirkender Rostlöser für Industrie, Werkstatt und Hobby. Das enthaltene Lösemittel kühlt beim Aufsprühen die Fügeteile oder Schrauben extrem schnell auf bis zu –40°C ab. Der Querschnitt reduziert sich dadurch marginal und es entstehen mikrofeine Risse in der Korrosionsschicht.