TI’s OMAP-DM5x coprocessors bring accelerated imaging performance to mobile phones, delivering digital still camera quality support for up to 20-megapixel sensors as well as up to 720p H.264 camcorder performance, giving mobile phone users the best possible imaging and video performance available.
转载:德州仪器全系处理器深度解析 - emouse - 博客园
2012年11月21日 · OMAP(Open Multimedia Application Platform)开放式多媒体应用平台,是德州仪器研发的一种专为智能手机、平板电脑和其它具有丰富多媒体功能的移动终端设备而设计的高性能应用处理器,通常包括一个或多个ARM架构处理器和专用协处理器等,这一系列的处理器芯片在 …
OMAP - Wikipedia
OMAP (Open Multimedia Applications Platform) is a family of image/video processors that was developed by Texas Instruments. They are proprietary system on chips (SoCs) for portable and mobile multimedia applications. OMAP devices generally include a general-purpose ARM architecture processor core plus one or more specialized co-processors.
The OMAP-DM5x family of multimedia coprocessors from Texas Instruments (TI) allows designers to quickly bring accelerated imaging performance to mobile phones, with the ability to support up to 20-megapixel sensors and 720p H.264 video camcorder functionality.
Nokia 6220 Classic Mobile Phone Teardown | Electronics360
Texas Instruments - OMAP-DM500 - Multimedia Coprocessor - OMAP-DM, Integrated High-Performance ARM Microprocessor, 128Mbit Stacked mDDR, w/ ISP & Video Processor MicroSD Memory Card - 1GB Nokia - BP-5M - Battery - Li-Polymer, 3.7V, 900mAh
The OMAP architecture devices contain a nine-channel system DMA, useable for block transfers of data without intervention by the TIARM925T MPU or the TMSC55x DSP. This application report describes optimization techniques for improving throughput.
OMAP™ 移动处理器 - TI.com - Texas Instruments
从智能电话到平板电脑、从电子阅读器到企业和工业应用,ti 的智能多核 omap 处理器提供了一个可扩展、高性能的超低功耗平台,在满足用户体验期望的同时也超出了用户期望。
OMAP - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
OMAP (Open Multimedia Applications Platform)은 TI에서 개발한 SoC이며, 주요 적용 대상은 휴대용 멀티미디어 장치이다. OMAP CPU는 ARM 아키텍처 기반 CPU 및 하나 이상의 보조 프로세서를 내장하고 있다. 초기 OMAP CPU는 TI TMS320 …
Nokia N79 (Eco Edition) Mobile Phone Teardown | Electronics360
With its 5 mega-pixel, integrated WLAN, GPS and Symbian S60 software platform, the HSDPA capable N79 Eco slots below both the N8x and N9x models within the N-series family of premium handsets.
2008年4月18日 · omap-dm协处理器是一种高度灵活的可扩展产品系列,可帮助手机制造商满足中端市场需求。 OMAP-DM 平台可与基带调制解调器方便协作,无需应用处理器就可支持影像功能。