Orbital Maneuvering System - Wikipedia
The Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) is a system of hypergolic liquid-propellant rocket engines used on the Space Shuttle and the Orion spacecraft.
Each pod contains one OMS engine and the hardware needed to pressurize, store and distribute the propellants to perform the velocity maneuvers. The two pods provide redundancy for the …
How the Propulsion System of Orion Steers us to the Moon
The OMS-E is a reused space shuttle engine that performs most of Orion’s large translational and trajectory correction burns. This engine provides major in-space maneuvering capabilities …
The Orion European Service Module is a cylindrical unpressurized module with a diameter of 4.5 m and a total length – main engine (Orbital Manoeuvring System Engine – OMS-E) excluded – …
The Space Shuttle propulsion system consists of two large solid rocket booster (SRB) motors, three space shuttle main engines (SSME), and an external propellant tank (ET), all used to …
the OMS engine contractor. The baseline engine incorporated a platelet injector, acoustic cavities for stability, a fuel regeneratively cooled combustion chamber, a pneumatic-operated quad …
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
Design features of the engine, its injector, combustion chamber, nozzle extension and bipropellant valve are illustrated and discussed. The current OMS consists of two identical pods that use …
OME - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The engine used in Shuttle Orbiter Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS). The Shuttle Orbiter carried two OMS pods (name coined by Aerojet), each housing a single Aerojet OM Engine for …
Capability and flight record of the versatile space shuttle OMS engine
The Space Shuttle system has completed 45 orbital flights with the OMS engines having fired a total of 356 times with a cumulative duration of 38,094 seconds. In all cases, the OMS engine …
25 Years of ionospheric modification with Space Shuttle OMS burns
2011年8月20日 · Abstract: The Space Shuttle Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) is the largest engine to be fired in the F-region ionosphere. The OMS thruster provides 10 kg/s of exhaust …