Onu-Matoran - BIONICLEsector01
2024年6月10日 · Onu-Matoran are one of many male Matoran types. Various Matoran from Metru Nui who were present during the Great Cataclysm and brought to Mata Nui by the Toa Metru. Aiyetoro: A Miner on Mata Nui. Akamu: A Crafter on Mata Nui. Azibo: A Prospector on Mata Nui. Damek: A Guard on both Mata Nui and Metru Nui. Dosne: A Mining Captain on Mata Nui.
Onu-Matoran | The BIONICLE Wiki | Fandom
Onu-Matoran were cave-dwelling Matoran with miniscule control over the element of Earth. As Matoran of Earth, they spent most of their lives underground during their time in Metru Nui. As a result of this, their eyes had adapted to function in little light. This meant that they were easily...
Matoran - The BIONICLE Wiki
Matoran were the chosen species of the Matoran Universe's protector, the Great Spirit Mata Nui. Although not one of the stronger races, Matoran were the most common species in the Matoran Universe. Like Toa and other creatures, Matoran had the ability to …
Matoran - BIONICLEsector01
2025年3月3日 · The Matoran were the creators of the cities and villages scattered across the Matoran universe, such as Artakha, Metru Nui and the Southern Continent. The Matoran did not inhabit the entire Matoran Universe, as there were other species of beings fulfilling various roles in other regions, but they did inhabit a vast majority of it.
Onu-Matoran - The Great Archives
Onu-Matoran were residents of Onu-Koro or Onu-Metru. They commonly had black armor and wore purple or orange masks. On Metru Nui, Onu-Matoran were skilled miners and served as archivists in the Onu-Metru Archives. On Mata Nui, they were also skilled miners. Their favorite sport was Ussal crab racing, and they made up the membership of the Ussalry.
Onu-Matoran | The C.I.R.C.L.E. Wiki | Fandom
The Onu-Matoran are the Matoran of Earth in the Matoran Universe and beyond. The Onu-Matoran have inactive Earth powers. Onu-Matoran prefer to look to history for the answers to their questions; on Metru Nui, this placed them in direct conflict …
Archives - BIONICLEsector01
2024年12月10日 · An Onu-Matoran known as the Chief Archivist made major decisions concerning the Archives, along with Turaga Dume. Over 79,100 years ago, after four centuries of the Matoran Civil War in Metru Nui, Makuta Miserix …
Onu-Matoran | Unbionicle Wiki | Fandom
When an Onu-Matoran dies, its friends and family will bury... The Onu-Matoran dig stuff. In fact, the Onu-Matoran were created in order to dig stuff up for other people.
Turaga and Matoran - Bionicleuniverse
The Onu-Matoran are the Matoran of Earth and are one of the male Matoran types. They have limited Night Vision abilities to help them see in dark underground caves as well as enhance strength. Their armour colours include black, dark grey, purple, tan, and orange.
Onu-Matoran | The Next Bionicle Wiki | Fandom
The Onu-Matoran are the Matoran of Earth. The Onu-Matoran were created by the Great Beings, infitted with powerless Kanohi and sent to work in the Matoran Universe. Most were sent to work in Metru Nui and worked in Onu-Metru while others …