The OPA1632 is a fully differential amplifier (FDA) designed to drive high-performance audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) or as a predriver for class-D amplifiers. The OPA1632 delivers excellent audio quality, very low noise, large output voltage swing, and high current drive. The OPA1632 has an excellent gain
OPA1632 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
opa1632 是一款全差分放大器 (fda),旨在驱动高性能音频模数转换器 (adc) 或用作 d 类放大器的前置驱动器。 OPA1632 可实现卓越的音频质量、极低的噪声、大输出电压摆幅和高电流驱动。
OPA1632 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The OPA1632 is a fully differential amplifier (FDA) designed to drive high-performance audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) or as a predriver for class-D amplifiers. The OPA1632 delivers excellent audio quality, very low noise, large output voltage swing, and high current drive.
HIFIDIY论坛-OPA1632-音频平衡线路驱动器 - Powered by Discuz!
2013年3月6日 · OPA1632是全差动 I/O 音频放大器,在德州仪器下载到这块芯片的PSpice Model,通过软件试后感觉不错,本坛也有网友将不平衡转平衡驱动电路用于胆机的,不过那芯片型号是DRV134。
OPA1632 | 购买 TI 器件 - 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
opa1632 是一款全差分放大器 (fda),旨在驱动高性能音频模数转换器 (adc) 或用作 d 类放大器的前置驱动器。 OPA1632 可实现卓越的音频质量、极低的噪声、大输出电压摆幅和高电流驱动。
The OPA1632 is a fully-differential amplifier (FDA) designed to drive high-performance audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) or as a pre-driver for Class-D amplifiers. It delivers superior audio quality, very low noise, large output voltage swing and high current drive. The OPA1632 has an excellent gain bandwidth
OPA1632’s excellent gain bandwidth of 180 MHz and – Slew Rate: 50 V/μs very fast slew rate of 50 V/μs produce exceptionally – Gain Bandwidth: 180 MHz low distortion. Very low input noise of 1.3 nV/√Hz • Fully Differential Architecture: further ensures maximum signal-to-noise ratio and
有关OPA1632芯片特性差异问题 - 音频论坛 - E2E™ 设计支持
产品中使用了opa1632器件作为单端转差分运放。 系统的原理图如下图示意图所示: 图中电路工作原理为:恒流源产生一个直流激励,驱动负载线圈抬起(负载线圈可以理解为通电弹簧),之后通过模拟开关断开恒流源,负载线圈做衰减震荡运动,通过线圈后端 ...
The OPA1632 is a fully-differential amplifier designed for driving high-performance audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). It provides the highest audio quality, with very low noise and output drive characteristics optimized for this application. The OPA1632’s excellent gain bandwidth of 180MHz and very fast slew rate of
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opa1632是一款全差动放大器,专为驱动高性能音频模数转换器(adc)而设计。 它提供最高的音频质量,具有极低的噪声和针对此应用优化的输出驱动特性。
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