Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) - Online Language Test
The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview, or OPI, is a live, 15–30 minute telephone conversation testing your language ability. Learn more and schedule a test!
Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) - ACTFL
The OPI interview contains two types of approaches to questions. These include level checks and probes. Level Checks explore the highest proficiency level at which a test taker can function …
Tips for OPI and OPIc Test Takers - ACTFL
The OPI and the OPIc are proficiency-based assessments that are designed to assess spontaneous unrehearsed language ability. Since proficiency develops over time, cramming …
OPI Oral Proficiency Interview: Complete Guide
The Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Test lasts only for 20 to 30 minutes. It is a one-on-one interview between a certified OPI tester and the examinee. The interview is an interactive type …
DLPT Relevant Information and Guides | Defense Language …
Most federal government agencies rely on the Defense Language Proficiency Test, or DLPT, and the Oral Proficiency Interview – OPI, which are reliable, scientifically validated tools for testing …
Oral Proficiency Interview – (OPI) - Language Testing
The Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) measures your ability to speak in a particular language. It is an unscripted, approximately, 30 minute conversation on the phone with a Certified ACTFL …
DLIELC - OPI Testing
What is the OPI? An OPI is a test of a candidate's English language listening comprehension and speaking ability, conducted under controlled conditions by two certified OPI raters. It can be …
The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (ACTFL OPI®) is a one-on-one interview designed to identify a test taker’s oral communication proficiency level. It is an assessment of the …
ICAO考试 OPI内容解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
OPI考试分4个阶段: (1)准备阶段:1-2分钟,通过简单日常英语问题,了解并适应面试员的语音语调; (2)等级初评阶段:5-6分钟,通过被测试人对航空专业相关问题的回答,初步评 …
Oral Proficiency Interview - Wikipedia
An Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a standardized, global assessment of functional speaking ability. Taking the form of a conversation between the tester and test-taker, the test measures …