DAHOMEY BASIN OPL 310 - Lekoil Nigeria
Lekoil commissioned a regional basin study that identified Block OPL 310 in the Dahomey Basin as a key target for exploration and development. In 2013, Lekoil invested over $100 million in drilling an appraisal well and sidetrack targeting the Eko, Agege, and Syn-rift prospects, resulting in a significant discovery at the Ogo prospect.
OPL 310 (Ogo) Report | Wood Mackenzie
2024年9月26日 · Discovered in 2013, Ogo lies in the Keta-Togo-Benin Basin and yielded a P50 reserves estimate of 770 mmboe, well in excess of the pre-drill 200 mmboe estimate. In May 2014, a large 3D seismic survey was carried out over OPL 310 and OML 113. Within OPL 310, the survey covered 1,505 square kilometres equating to 80% of the block's acreage.
OPL Series - Clean Cycle Systems
OPL 200 & 300 Series – “Small Wonder” OPL- Series Models Established in 1991 LINT FILTERS SOLUTIONS FOR ON PREMISE LAUNDRIES – 1,000 – 10,000 CFM and Custom. The OPL 200 & 300 Series Lint Filters are especially designed for properties with dryers in the 30 – 170 lb range. Multiple dryers may be vented separately or into a common ...
About Optimum Petroleum // Optimum Petroleum
Optimum Petroleum Development Limited is a petroleum exploration company registered in Nigeria in 1992. OPL is 310,500,000 acres oil block offshore Nigeria in the western part of the Benin Basin, was rewarded to Optimum Petroleum Development Limited in water depths ranging between shoreline and 1900 meters.
(PDF) Palynostratigraphy of Well Z, OPL 310, Offshore
2023年12月8日 · Fifty (50) ditch cutting samples from well Z, OPL 310, Dahomey basin South western Nigeria has been investigated for their lithological and paleo-ecological significance following standard ...
Our Assets - Lekoil Nigeria
OPL 310 is located in the Dahomey Basin on the West African Transform Margin. The block extends from the shallow water continental shelf close by the City of Lagos, into deeper water. The main prospects are in water depths ranging from 100 to 800 metres and are within close proximity to the West Africa Gas Pipeline.
Site Survey on OPL 310 Off Nigeria Starts - Offshore Energy
2020年1月10日 · Approval for the site survey on OPL 310 was granted by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR”, in accordance with provision of the Petroleum (Drilling and Production) Regulations. The marine vessel, conducting the site survey, has started its operation which are expected to be completed before the expiration of the approval received from ...
The model OPL-310 Filter collects lint produced from multiple laundry dryer applications. This unit requires minimal maintenance, simple to install and is a cost efficient solution to unsightly and potentially dangerous lint buildup. Body: The housing is …
(PDF) Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of Well Z, OPL 310, Offshore ...
2020年1月1日 · The sedimentary succession penetrated by the Well Z, OPL 310 Dahomey basin, South western Nigeria has been investigated for their microfaunal content. A total of fifty ditch cutting samples from...
Palynomorphs and Paleo-depositional Environment of Well Z, OPL 310 ...
2023年12月8日 · Fifty ditch cutting rock samples from well Z-1, OPL 310 offshore Dahomey basin, south western Nigeria were analyzed for their microfaunal and lithofacies content for the purpose of reconstructing...