Home | OPR Group LLC Public Relations and Marketing …
OPR Group LLC is a public relations/marketing communications consulting practice serving Pittsburgh and West Virginia.
Dynamic Steel Trading: OPR Group Connects Europe & Asia
OPR Group is an international metal trading firm focusing on the steel sector. located in London and Dubai and with direct access to Asia, OPR is one the most dynamic steel trading firms in Europe, thanks to its innovative strategies and long-standing relationships with key players across the ferrous industry.
OPR Elastolabs - OPR Group
OPR Group. With 40 years of experience in elastomer technology, countless cases of damage investigated, material analyses, seminars and consultations, we are now at your side with help and advice and our extensively equipped test laboratory. We test, assess and qualify technical rubber goods and thermoplastic components for you.
OPR GROUP - LinkedIn
OPR Group is an international metal trading firm focusing on the steel sector. Located in London and Dubai. OPR is one the most dynamic steel trading firms in Europe, thanks to its innovative...
OPR Elastolabs
Als unabhängiger Spezialist für Elastomere und Dichtungen sind wir der perfekte Partner für die Ölindustrie, wenn es um die Untersuchung der Verträglichkeit neuer und bestehender Schmierstoff-Rezepturen mit Elastomeren geht. Wir verstehen die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Grundölen und Additiven mit Elastomeren.
Who We Are - OPR Group
At OPR Group, we are an international metal trading firm focusing primarily on the steel sector. Strategically positioned in the global hubs of London and Dubai, and with unparalleled access to the Asian markets, we stand as one of Europe’s most dynamic steel trading firms.
OPR Group GmbH | LinkedIn
OPR Group GmbH | 511 Follower:innen auf LinkedIn. Wir unterstützen Sie rund um Elastomere. Wir prüfen und analysieren Bauteile und Werkstoffe, beraten und bilden aus. | Mit nunmehr 40...
About - OPR Group LLC
OPR Group provides public relations and communications expertise for organizations on a mission to make a difference. For more than 30 years, our best work has been in support of a purpose of change. Supporting your vision of the future is where we live and sharing your story of that vision is our purpose.
Services - OPR Group LLC
OPR Group provides a comprehensive portfolio of B2B communications, including public relations, marketing communications, executive communications, advertising, social media programs and communications counseling.
Office of Personal Responsibility
Creative direction, typographic solutions, visual research, consulting, print and digital. Yes, we do development too. Based in Linz and Lausanne.