OPRO-M – Orthotic Patient-Reported Outcomes – Mobility
Orthotic Patient-Reported Outcomes – Mobility (OPRO-M™) is a survey instrument designed for evaluating mobility among people who use lower limb orthoses, such as ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) and knee-ankle-foot orthoses (KAFOs). The OPRO-M ™ item bank includes 39 questions and can be administered as an abbreviated short form…
About – OPRO-M
OPRO-M™ questions cover movements that range from basic ambulation (e.g., walking a short distance in their home) to complex activities (e.g., going for an all-day hike). OPRO-M™ response options reflect the degree of difficulty with which respondents report they …
User guide – OPRO-M
The OPRO-M ™ v1.0 User Guide is a comprehensive resource designed to assist users with calculating and interpreting OPRO-M™ scores. The User Guide includes an overview of OPRO-M™, tutorials for scoring complete and incomplete Short Forms, descriptions of the development sample, and reference tables for interpreting scores, and information ...
铜绿假单胞菌MexAB-OprM、MexXY-OprM主动外排系统的耐药作 …
21株 Mex XY-Opr M外排泵高表达株中13株对阿米卡星高度耐药(MIC为320 mg/L),8株低度和中度耐药(MIC为32~160 mg/L)。 RT反应体系配置:RNA模板5μL,随机引物1μL,RNase-free水6μL。
Antibiotic export by MexB multidrug efflux transporter is ...
2020年10月2日 · In the tripartite complex, OprM and MexA form a corset-like platform that converts MexB into the active form. Our findings shed new light on the resistance nodulation cell division (RND) cognate...
opr在管理上是什么意思 - 百度知道
2024年7月24日 · OPR,即运营绩效报告,是企业运营过程中的重要工具。 它主要关注企业在运营过程中的效率、效果和业绩,为企业提供有关运营情况的全面信息。
Role of MexAB-OprM and MexXY-OprM efflux pumps and
2018年5月1日 · MexAB-OprM and MexXY-OprM, the RND-type efflux pumps which expressed constitutively in wild-type cells, account for the major cause of intrinsic resistance to most antimicrobial agents in P. aeruginosa [3], [13].
Structures of the wild-type MexAB–OprM tripartite pump reveal …
2019年4月3日 · In this study, we present the structure of wild-type MexAB–OprM in the presence or absence of drugs at near-atomic resolution. The structure reveals that OprM does not interact with MexB...
Berberine inhibits the MexXY-OprM efflux pump to reverse ... - PubMed
In the present study, berberine (BEB), a natural isoquinoline alkaloid, was used in combination with imipenem (IMP), a commonly-used carbapenem, to investigate their antibacterial activities against a clinical P. aeruginosa isolate PA012 and the potential mechanism.
Overexpression of MexAB-OprM efflux pump in carbapenem
MexAB-OprM efflux pump is one of the largest multi-drug resistant efflux pumps with high-level expression, which is controlled by regulatory genes mexR, nalC, and nalD. This study investigated the role of efflux pump MexAB-OprM in 75 strains of carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa and evaluated the influence of point mutation of the regulatory genes.