KPS Petrol Pipe System - OPW
The KPS Petrol Pipe System™ is the most advanced and installer friendly double-wall piping system available for use on filling stations. The product range covers all piping needs that may arise on a filling station: Remote fill, pressure and suction, ventilation, vapor recovery or conduits.With zero permeation of hydrocarbons KPS piping keep ...
Home - KPS Piping Systems
OPW offer classroom and on-site training to familiarise installers with KPS’ easy install piping and electrofusion welding system.
Approved according to EN 14125, German standard, EN 13463-1, IP2 and ATEX 137 (directive 1999/92/EC). Connectors used to bridge joints thereby maintaining conductivity throughout the pipe system. Patented design. Integrated Welding Socket 125/110 pipe, 360° secondary contained. With straight test port fitting.
Resource Hub - KPS Piping Systems
KPS, part of OPW, a Dover company and a global leader in the development of plastic piping for sensitive fluids like fuels, is proud to announce its new 3” (110/90
KPS 63 mm 2" Primary Containment Fuel Piping - KPS Piping …
The KPS Petrol Pipe System™ is the most advanced and installer friendly piping system available for fuel and many other liquid and chemical applications. The KPS product range covers all piping needs.
油气回收系统,自封式加油枪,洗车机系统,KPS管道,OPW-优必得石 …
优必得石油设备(苏州)有限公司2003年落户中国江苏,并先后在北京、上海、广州设立分公司及技术支持中心,目前公司业务已覆盖地上/地下环保产品,洗车机系统,新能源产品四大领域,产品包括: …
关于我们-油气回收-加油枪-洗车机-加油站管道-OPW-优必得石油 …
作为OPW投资设立的全球子公司之一,优必得石油设备 (苏州)有限公司2003年落户苏州工业园区,总投资5900万元;并先后在北京、上海、广州设立分公司及技术支持中心,以期为广大加油站用户提供质量的产品和服务。 目前公司业务已覆盖地上/地下环保产品、洗车机系统、新能源产品四大领域,是中石化、中石油和壳牌等有名石油公司主要供应商之一,销售及服务网络遍及全国乃至整个亚太区。 其中,综合能源服务站端对端解决方案更是以产品优势、服务优势和财务优势 …
OPW Europe, Middle East & Africa
2023年7月7日 · OPW is revolutionizing fueling operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa by delivering the most innovative fueling solutions in the industry. KPS leads the development of plastic petrol pipes in the forecourts around the world …
KPS管道系统第一家获得权威报告-优必得石油设备 (苏州)有限公司
2024年7月23日 · 近期,KPS全系列热塑性导静电与非导静电复合管道同时取得我国化学建材行业首家国家级实验室/国内、外知名的国家级权威检测机构——国家化学建筑材料测试中心GB/T39997-2021全项目(18项性能测试项目)的定性检测报告,成为国内首家取得全项目定型检测报告的制造商。 这也是继2005年KPS品牌首家取得欧盟标准EN14125型式认证,以及2011年首家通过德国DIBT产品许可检测认证后,证明KPS在行业内持续发展能力与产品技术实力的又 …
KPS Line Leak Detection System
KPS Line Leak Detection System The KP 315 is a pressure and vacuum free system that uses gravitation for detection of leakage. Up to five double walled pipes can be connected to the manifold and leak detection unit that is placed in the tank sump.