OQ®-45.2 - OQ Measures
Designed for ongoing measurement of client progress throughout therapy and following termination, the OQ®-45.2 is the adult outcome measure of choice by the Canadian government, and one of America’s largest health care systems, as …
心理咨询效果评估量表(the Outcome Questionnaire,OQ-45.2)中文版
The OQ-45 provides a total score and three subscores. To score the OQ-45, simply write the numeric value (found next to each client response box) selected by the client in the corresponding scoring box found to the right of each item on the right side of the questionnaire.
Outcome Questionnaire (OQ ®-45.2) Instructions: Looking back over the last week, including today, help us understand how you have been feeling. Read each item carefully and mark the box under the category which best describes your current situation. For this questionnaire, work is …
Outcome Questionnaire 45 - Wikipedia
The Outcome Questionnaire 45 (OQ-45), created by Gary M Burlingame and Michael J. Lambert at Brigham Young University, is a 45-item multiple-choice self-report inventory used to measure psychotherapy progress in adults patients.
Test OQ - OQ Measures
The OQ®-45.2 is the most peer-reviewed patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) in the world. Recommended by The Joint Commission. Considered the gold standard for adult outcome assessment in global psychology research.
心理咨询效果评估量表中文版的信度和效度-【维普期刊官网】- 中 …
摘要 目的:对心理咨询效果评估量表(the Outcome Questionnaire,OQ-45.2)中文版进行信效度检验并计算划界分。方法:整群选取杭州某大学学生750名、来某专科医院心理咨询的门诊病人65名、某社区居民2...
以量表总分为例,当来访者在中文版oq-45.2总分评估上低于62分(划界分),且分数变化超过17分(可信变化指数),则来访者“恢复”,现行咨询策略不需改变;当来访者总分变化超过17分,但仍在62分及以上,则来访者“改善”,现行咨询策略可以继续,未来还需继续评估:当来访 ...
OQ® 45.2 may be helpful in treatment/discharge planning. Administration • Clients ages 18 and older complete the OQ® 45.2. • Encourage respondents to answer every question as accurately as possible. • Respondents should indicate how true each statement is during the past 7 days. • The OQ® 45.2 can be administered by non-clinical
The Outcome Questionnaire-45. - APA PsycNet
In response to the need for valid measures of psychotherapy outcome in routine practice, Lambert and associates developed the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ-45; Lambert, Hansen, et al. 1996), a 45-item self-report instrument that requires patients to rate their functioning on a …