Orf (disease) - Wikipedia
Orf is primarily a disease of sheep and goats although it has been reported as a natural disease in humans, steenbok and alpacas, chamois and tahrs, reindeer, musk oxen, dogs, cats, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, dall sheep, and red squirrels.
Viral skin infections. Orf and milkers' nodules - DermNet
Milkers' nodule is caused by a parapox virus. It produces mild infections of the teats of cows, i.e. ring sores, as well as ulcers in the mouths of calves. It is similar to bovine papular stomatitis virus, which affects the same sites in cattle. The two viruses are variants.
Orf - DermNet
Orf is a zoonotic viral skin infection that is contracted from sheep and goats. It is caused by the parapox virus, a large DNA virus that replicates in cellular cytoplasm. Orf mainly infects young lambs and goats who contract the infection from one another or possibly from persistence of the virus in the pastures or sheds.
About Orf Virus (Sore Mouth Disease) | Orf | CDC - Centers for …
2024年5月13日 · Sore mouth disease is caused by orf virus, a type of poxvirus. It occurs worldwide, anywhere sheep, goats and similar animals live. People can get painful sores called lesions if they have contact with animals infected with orf virus.
Orf, which should be called contagious pustular dermatitis, is not a pox virus but a Parapoxvirus. It is allied to viral diseases in cattle, pseudocowpox (caused by the most common virus found on the bovine udder) and bovine papular stomatitis (the oral form of pseudocowpox occurring in young
痘病毒科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
副痘病毒:orf病毒、副牛痘病毒、牛丘疹性口炎病毒; 亞塔痘病毒:亞巴痘病毒、亞巴猴腫瘤病毒; 傳染性軟疣病毒:傳染性軟疣病毒(MCV)。 最常見的是牛痘(見於印度次大陸)[需要引用]和傳染性軟疣,但猴痘感染正在上升(見於西非和中非雨林國家)。
Orf Viral Infection - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年11月30日 · Orf viral infection, also known as contagious pustular dermatitis or ecthyma contagiosum, is a zoonotic and occupational infection acquired from infected sheep and goats. Orf is caused by the parapoxvirus Orfviridae. The orf virus plagues young sheep and goats, which are their natural host range.
An Overwiev of ORF Virus Infection in Humans and Animals
The virus is a causative agent of orf in humans or contagious ecthyma in animals which is mostly seen in sheep, goat and cattle. Discussion: Orf is an emerging zoonosis with an increasing number of worldwide outbreaks that have been reported.
Farmyard pox pathology - DermNet
The virus of the genus Parapoxvirus is transmitted to humans from infected sheep or goats (orf), cows (milker's nodule), and oral mucosa of cattle (bovine papular stomatitis).
Orf virus circulation in cattle in Turkey - PubMed
Orf virus (ORFV) causes contagious skin disease that mainly affects sheep and goats with zoonotic potential. However, there is not enough information about the association between ORFV and occurrence of skin disease in cattle. The present study describes outbreaks of ORFV infection in cattle in diff …