Orf - DermNet
Orf is a zoonotic viral skin infection that is contracted from sheep and goats. It is caused by the parapox virus, a large DNA virus that replicates in cellular cytoplasm. Orf mainly infects young lambs and goats who contract the infection from one another or possibly from persistence of the virus in the pastures or sheds.
Orf (disease) - Wikipedia
Orf is primarily a disease of sheep and goats although it has been reported as a natural disease in humans, steenbok and alpacas, chamois and tahrs, reindeer, musk oxen, dogs, cats, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, dall sheep, and red squirrels.
About Orf Virus (Sore Mouth Disease) | Orf | CDC
2024年5月13日 · People infected with orf virus usually get sores or nodules on their hands or forearms. This rash is infectious, meaning it can spread to areas of a person's body if they scratch or touch the sores. The sores progress through stages over six weeks.
What Is Orf Virus? - WebMD
2024年8月13日 · Orf virus in humans is a common and widespread zoonotic viral infection that affects the skin. It is caused by the parapoxvirus and appears worldwide. Orf virus has many names: contagious...
Orf - NHS
Orf is a skin infection you can get from infected sheep or goats. It most often affects the fingers, hands, forearms or face. It usually clears up without treatment in about 6 weeks. Orf is a virus that mainly affects young lambs and goats. You can get it if you have a sore, cut or scratch that touches an infected animal.
Human orf: Atypical rash in an urban medical practice - PMC
Orf, which is well known to veterinarians and farmers, is an infection caused by Parapoxvirus that mainly affects goats and sheep. Humans can contract orf through broken skin while handling infected animals or contaminated equipment.
Viral skin infections. Orf and milkers' nodules - DermNet
Orf lesions are generally solitary or few in number. They occur most commonly on the fingers, hands or forearms but can appear on the face. The initial lesion is an irritable firm, red or reddish-blue papule that enlarges to form a flat-topped, blood-tinged blister within a nodule.
Orf: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology
2024年10月3日 · Orf, also known as ecthyma contagiosum, contagious pustular dermatitis, infectious labial dermatitis, scabby mouth, or sore mouth, is a viral disease first described in humans in...
Orf Viral Infection - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年11月30日 · Orf viral infection, also known as ecthyma contagiosum or contagious pustular dermatitis, is an occupational disease primarily acquired from infected sheep and goats. Transmission of orf disease often occurs when an individual with skin trauma comes into contact with infected animals, particularly those involved in occupational settings.
Orf - The Primary Care Dermatology Society
2021年11月18日 · Orf is a parapox viral infection of the skin contracted from sheep, especially lambs, and goats. It can be transmitted to humans by direct inoculation from an infected animal or carcass. Orf presents most commonly as a red-blue weeping nodule on the dorsum of a finger. It is self-limiting and generally heals spontaneously within six weeks.