Contact ORS - State of Michigan
The Message Board is your secure link to an ORS customer service representative. Telephone Numbers: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays except state holidays. Lansing Area: 517-284-4400 800-Number: 800-381-5111 Fax: 517-284-4416 . Address: Michigan Office of Retirement Services PO Box 30171 Lansing, MI 48909-7671
Office of Retirement Services - State of Michigan
We administer retirement programs for Michigan's state employees, public school employees, judges, state police, and National Guard members. This includes over 598,000 customers (approximately 288,000 active and 310,000 retired members).
MiLogin miAccount Center - State of Michigan
miAccount is ORS’ secure, online tool for managing your retirement account. You will use MILogin to access miAccount. As an active member with a pension benefit, miAccount will allow you to: Check your reported compensation and service credit (earned and purchased). Name beneficiaries. Create pension estimates. Apply to retire.
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ORS for Replenishing Body Fluids & Electrolytes - 1mg
Electral Powder / ORS for Replenishing Body Fluids & Electrolytes / For Stomach Care is an oral rehydration salt that helps restore lost fluids and minerals in the body due to an illness or injury. It is a source of the body's electrolytes, water, and calories.
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Electral FDC ORS - Pack of 30 Sachets x 21.80 g - Amazon.in
Electral FDC ORS Orange - Pack of 50 Sachets x 4.40 g. 4.5 out of 5 stars ...
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Sun Pharmaceutical ORS Powder: Buy box of 21.8 gm Powder at
ORS Powder restores body fluids and electrolytes, lost due to dehydration during diarrhoea, vomiting, muscle cramping, and exertional heat illness, while exercising in hot or humid weather. Sodium Chloride is essential for promoting fluid balance. It is …
- 评论数: 19
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OSBoxes simplifies your Linux/Unix experience by providing ready-to-use virtual machines, saving you time and eliminating the need for complex setup procedures.
Amazon.com: DripDrop Hydration - Bold Variety Pack - Electrolyte …
FAST & EFFECTIVE HYDRATION: Combat dehydration with our science-based formula that hydrates faster than water alone. Perfect for sports, outdoor activities, and hot days. 3X ELECTROLYTES & ½ THE SUGAR: Our precise formula activates a hydration shortcut, delivering essential electrolytes with less sugar than leading sports drinks.
State Employees' Retirement System - State of Michigan
The Michigan Office of Retirement Services administers two different retirement plans for State of Michigan employees: a Defined Benefit Plan and a Defined Contribution Plan. Use the information below to determine which plan (s) you belong to and the website link for that plan. Elected the DB Classified Plan under Public Act (PA) 264 of 2011.