A special ORS-formula, ReSoMal, is used under medical supervision, for severely malnourished children only. However, in malnourished children with cholera, standard ORS- formula is used …
Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) is the non-proprietary name for a balanced glucose-electrolyte mixture, first used in 1969 and approved, recommended, and distributed by UNICEF and …
Publication Item - World Health Organization (WHO)
Dehydration from diarrhoea can be prevented by giving extra fluids at home, or it can be treated simply, effectively, and cheaply in all age-groups and in all but the most severe cases by …
Oral rehydration therapy - Wikipedia
Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is a type of fluid replacement used to prevent and treat dehydration, especially due to diarrhea. [1] . It involves drinking water with modest amounts of …
Oral Rehydration Solution Uses, Benefits, Precautions, Recipe - Healthline
2022年4月6日 · Oral rehydration therapy is a treatment for dehydration. It involves drinking a beverage made of water, sugar, and electrolytes, specifically potassium and sodium. The...
口服補液鹽:適應症,臨床套用,不良反應,注意事項,用藥禁忌,_中文百 …
口服補液鹽 (Oral Rehydration Salt) (ORS)是世界衛生組織推薦的治療急性腹瀉脫水有優異療效的藥物,處方組成合理,方便高效,其糾正脫水的速度優於靜脈滴注。 該藥雖為... 口服補液鹽 Ⅲ,國 …
ORS Oral Rehydration Salts - Inish Pharmacy
O.R.S. Rehydration Salts are perfect for rehydration before/during exercise and also after periods of diarhhoea or vomiting to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Packaged in handy tubes, they …
ORS Package Insert | PDF | Electrolyte | Dehydration - Scribd
Oral rehydration salts (Fluitrofill) are powders containing sodium, potassium, chloride, and glucose that are mixed with water to treat dehydration from diarrhea. When taken orally, they replace …
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