Releases · OS2World/UTIL-SYSTEM-NewView - GitHub
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help files, which replaces IBM's original View program. NewView offers improvements such as a nicer user interface and more options. - O...
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help ... - GitHub
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help files, which replaces IBM's original View program. NewView offers improvements such as a nicer user interface and more options.
NewView - OS2World.Com Wiki
NewView is a program for viewing OS/2 or eComStation help files, which replaces IBM's original View program. NewView offers improvements such as a nicer user interface and more options.
OS/2 - Wikipedia
OS/2 is a proprietary computer operating system for x86 and PowerPC based personal computers. It was created and initially developed jointly by IBM and Microsoft, under the leadership of IBM software designer Ed Iacobucci, [2] intended as a replacement for DOS. The first version was released in 1987.
OS/2 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
OS/2 - ArchiveOS
2020年2月28日 · OS/2 – a proprietary operating system, started in 1985 by IBM and Microsoft with a name of “CP/DOS”. Originally, OS/2 was expected to gradually replace DOS and Windows. In the summer of 1990, Microsoft announced Windows 3.0 and it became a monster hit.
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User's Guide to OS/2 Warp Version 3 - OS2World.Com Wiki
Use the OS/2 Tutorial for an interactive demonstration of how to use the Color Palettes. The following steps can be used for both the Solid and the Mixed Color Palettes. To globally change the color of an item (for example, change the color of the background in every window): Open OS/2 System. Open System Setup. Open Color Palette.
OS2World · GitHub
OX2 is an OS/2 device driver which directs output to the AUX device to the monochrome monitor in a two-monitor system.
Graphics - Viewer - OS/2 Site
PMJPEG v1.74 is an easy to use shareware image viewer with quick JPEG preview, image processing, conversion, and slideshow capabilities for OS/2 2.x and Warp. Supports the following file formats: BMP, GIF, IFF, JPEG FIF, Kodak PhotoCD, MacPaint, PCX, PICT, PNG, PPM, Targa, and TIFF.
OS/2 - 全球百科
OS/2(OperatingSystem/2——最初在IBM德国也有BS/2foroperatingsystem/2)是一个多任务单用户操作系统,用于带有x86处理器的个人计算机,后来也有PowerPC处理器。 它最初是由IBM和Microsoft联合开发的,作为DOS的继承者。
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