Os max 40 sr - RC Groups
2015年7月10日 · Even though in his 40's with years of mechanical and racing background, learning the tricks took a bit. Here's a safety tip I used through the 2-stroke fleet shown on one of my SR's. To keep my fingers away from the prop I installed a remote needle kit.
O.S. Max SF .40 - RC Groups
2004年10月29日 · Superb engine, one of the best I've ever had (the other best one being an OS .25 SF), very easy to operate, pretty powerful for it's size and now quite sought after as being more bullet proof and with better longevity than it's replacement the FX series.
OS Max 40FP - RC Groups
2006年1月2日 · A 4 star 40 with a 40 FP will fly like an airplane, and it will have plenty of power to take off and climb. I use the 40 FP all the time with excellent results. One of my favorite combinations is with the Cloud Dancer 40.
Different versions of O.S. 40 LA - RC Groups
2020年8月11日 · I have been collecting and rebuilding a few OS 40 LA engines lately. Last night I noticed there are at least two version of the same engine. One has a booster intake port and the other doesn't.
The OS 40 FSR, was it the best 40-46 size engine OS ever made
2011年9月3日 · My 40 FSR was about the most powerful 40 I have ever tested. I think the two piece crankcase probably made the intake ports easier to machine "properly". Unfortunately a one piece crankcase has less steps to the machining process and is thus cheaper.
O.S. MAX-H 40 /instructions/ tech specs/ Documentation
2009年1月27日 · If your motor is of the lapped piston design which is no piston ring on a meehanite (fine grained cast iron) piston, you will need the 25% oil content as recommended by OS for long engine life. If the motor has the ringed piston, I would still get the oil …
O.S. Max 40 RC parts - RC Groups
2011年3月22日 · To reply to dankar04, the only indication on the engine as to what type is that the outside cylinder wall has MAX-H OS 40 inscribed on it (MAX-H on the top, OS in the middle, and 40 in a circle at the bottom). The "manual" that came with it identifies it as OS Max 40 RC.
OS .40 LA, equivialent power? - RC Groups
2011年4月5日 · OS quickly made it a 46LA by increasing its displacement to compensate. The OS 40FP and 40LA (and earlier 35FP engine) all develop the same power as the venerable .35 displacement engines it replaces. it was sort of a marketing coup of a sorts.
OS Max 40 RC - RC Groups
2025年1月3日 · OS 40 Max-H RC: victorone: Fuel Engines and Accessories (FS/W) 0: Aug 24, 2022 01:32 PM: Sold: OS max .40 FP RC with Muffler 843 excellent Shape! HD Hucker: Fuel Engines and Accessories (FS/W) 1: Nov 19, 2021 03:05 PM: For Sale: OS MAX 40 SF and OS MAX 40 FP Local only: Jessdog: Fuel Engines and Accessories (FS/W) 4: Jul 16, 2009 01:13 AM
OS Max - RC Groups
2023年4月28日 · I have owned and flown OS 40, 45, 50, 46 and 55AX. For me, the best; same size case and muffler, is the 55AX and its carb due to being very easy to tune and maintain its tune. I have run the 55AX on 5,10,15 and 20% nitro and it ran well.