Bosca Ceoil
Bosca Ceoil is now archived! But I'm very happy to recommend checking out Bosca Ceoil Blue, an all new, open source freeware remake of the tool!
Downloads - Bosca Ceoil
Download Bosca Ceoil for various operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Bosca Ceoil by Terry Cavanagh
Bosca Ceoil is a free, easy to use tool for creating music! Bosca is designed for beginners! It takes less than five minutes to learn, and comes with a quick built in tutorial to walk you through everything, step by step.
- 评论数: 404
推荐开源项目:Bosca Ceoil Blue —— 简单易用的音乐创作工具 …
2024年10月10日 · Bosca Ceoil Blue 是 Terry Cavanagh 的经典音乐制作工具 Bosca Ceoil 的现代移植版,保留了原版的易用性和直观性。 与原版一样,Bosca Ceoil Blue 完全免费,并且提供宽松的开源许可,方便你进行修改。
YuriSizov/boscaceoil-blue: A beginner-friendly music making app. - GitHub
Bosca Ceoil: The Blue Album (or Bosca Ceoil Blue, for short) is a simple and beginner-friendly app for making music. Using a step sequencer you can create anything from a simple beat to a complex melodic piece — with huge selection of synthesized instruments!
Bosca Ceoil v2.0 – distractionware
2015年7月24日 · I’ve very happy to announce a brand new version of my beginner’s music making tool Bosca Ceoil! This is version 2.0, the first major update since it was released in 2013. This new version of the tool is a significant update, and adds lots of features and improvements. Head to boscaceoil.net to download it!
Bosca Ceoil Blue 开源音乐制作应用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年10月10日 · Bosca Ceoil Blue 是一个面向初学者的音乐制作应用,它是 Terry Cavanagh 开发的 Bosca Ceoil 的现代移植版本。 该项目旨在保留原始应用的易用性和直观性,同时通过使用更现代的技术栈来提高其兼容性和可访问性。 Bosca Ceoil Blue 使用 Godot 引擎开发,支持 Linux、macOS 和 Windows 平台,并且计划在未来支持 Web 和 Android 版本。 直观的模式编辑器:通过钢琴卷帘序列器快速开始创作音乐。 拖放式编排编辑器:在时间线上轻松重新排列模式,创 …
【新星音乐创作利器】 - *Bosca Ceoil: The Blue Album* - CSDN博客
2024年6月15日 · Bosca Ceoil Blue 是一款基于步进序列器构建音乐的软件,从简单的节奏到复杂的旋律曲目,其海量合成乐器库让你的创意无界限。 作为Bosca Ceoil的现代化版本,它保留了原版的亲和力与直观性,并且同样免费提供,采用开放源代码许可,鼓励自定义修改。 该项目基于Godot引擎开发,利用最新技术栈确保跨平台兼容性,适用于Linux、macOS、Windows等操作系统。 其核心亮点包括: 玩味十足的模式编辑器:通过钢琴卷帘式界面快速上手,自由调整音 …
Bosca Ceoil – distractionware
2013年8月23日 · Bosca Ceoil is all about looping, and designed that way at its heart. Songs are built up from lots of tiny 16 note patterns – the intended workflow is that you loop over these single patterns until you have something you like, then you start making variations.
Bosca Ceoil - Game Making Tools Wiki
2024年11月26日 · Bosca Ceoil is made to be an easy to use tool for creating music. It is made by Terry Cavanagh, who, of it, said: I made this because I find other music programs really confusing and distracting. Too many panels, buttons and knobs!