OSD recommendations - General - ARK - Official Community Forums
2019年2月21日 · The only challenging is purple OSD, i only done once with 2 mated boosted imprinted giga but 80+% with 2 riders and 100 armor saddles. We nearly lost our gigas cos the …
Purple OSD Strategy. - General - ARK - Official Community Forums
2018年12月5日 · We did our purples with the ice titan. Post nerf it gets rough, since the titan will also damage the OSD, however it's still good for going and dpsing away from the ost (basically …
Best dinos for doing orbital supply drops? : r/playark - Reddit
if you want to do purple osd's, use metal billboards, walls and spikes. the corrupted creatures will focus the structures and you can kill them easily one by one. beware of enraged rexes, single …
How do I stop purple/legendary orbital supply drops? : r/ARK
2020年12月27日 · sorry: Blue, Yellow, and Red OSDs require 6 waves to complete, consisting of a preliminary "wave 0", which itself only consists of between 3 and 5 Corrupted Creatures, …
Orbital Supply Drop location indicator - General - ARK
2018年11月12日 · On extinction, we have Orbital Supply Drops (OSD), they are tiny and barely visible. The only visual indicator is a barely visible smoke coming out of them if you are close …
Orbital Supply Drops / Element Veins map - General - ARK
2018年11月14日 · Hey there, I've just been doing some testing on our cluster and put up a map for Orbital Supply Drops, at least the locations I've found so far. I couldn't find a map on any …
How do I defend a purple OSD with a tek forcefield? : r/ARK - Reddit
2023年7月23日 · Of course setting up all those turrets and dinos on leashes takes time, so you got to be afraid that the OSD will disappear. Then the lower level ones you'll never find that …
Extinction OSD's question. - ARK - Official Community Forums
2021年9月30日 · So I hit my first legendary OSD today, made it to wave 82.....anyone make it to 100? Any extra goodies??? Got a couple journeyman mek's, 500 element, bunch of BP's and …
osd difficulty settings - ARK - Official Community Forums
2018年11月19日 · The entire OSD and Boss System is weird and poorly thought out... I have a server with only a few players and a lack of activity. This group content is often not possible. …
Purple OSD Solo strategys - share :: ARK: Survival Evolved General ...
2019年9月18日 · I feel there must be a more efficient way to do this solo. I would like to know what you guys have tried and how far you got SOLO. Now i know doing more waves doesn't …