職安局 - OSHC
職安健培訓 - OSHC
Established under the Occupational Safety and Health Council Ordinance in 1988, the Council is a statutory body for promoting safety and health at work and sustaining the valuable workforce of Hong Kong.
職業安全健康局 - OSHC | Hong Kong Hong Kong - Facebook
💡🤓由香港 都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 (hkmu lipace) 與職業安全健康局 (oshc)合辦的「安全管理及安全審核專業證書」課程, 專為有志成為註冊安全審核員或想進一步提升安全知識 水平的人士而設,課程內容涵蓋相關法例、意外預防、 安全管理制度和安全審核 ...
OSHC 職業安全健康局 - 課程
請使用 : 1024 x 768 螢幕解析度、Internet Explorer 10.0 或以上的瀏覽器,瀏覽此網站有更佳的效果。 版權屬職業安全健康局所有,二零一四年。
職安局 - sms.oshc.hk
是次講座分為兩部分,各可獲「香港安健認證計劃」下相關認可服務的1.25個持續專業進修學分。 此網上講座亦屬監管局持續專業發展計劃下「核心」內容範疇有關「專業實務」的「正式」學習活動,完成參與網上講座的物管人牌照持有人各部分可獲取1小時的認可參與時數。 同時講座的第二部分亦獲「註冊升降機及/或自動梯工程人員持續進修課程」下的持續專業進修認可。 不當使用動力操作升降台或進行扶手電梯及升降機的安裝、定期保養和維修工程時如未有做足安全措施, …
The "23rd Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Award" serves as an important platform for promoting cross-industry occupational safety and health in Hong Kong. It aims to recognise organizations with outstanding achievements in the field of Occupational Safety & Health (OSH).
To enhance the safety awareness on using elevated working platforms, Occupational Safety and Health Council will hold an online seminar on 11 March 2025, at which representative from the Labour Department will address the safety regulations and measures on Work-at-height activities and using of elevated working platforms. All are welcome.
What's New - OSHC
Established under the Occupational Safety and Health Council Ordinance in 1988, the Council is a statutory body for promoting safety and health at work and sustaining the valuable workforce of Hong Kong.
About Us - OSHC
Established under the Occupational Safety and Health Council Ordinance in 1988, the Council is a statutory body for promoting safety and health at work and sustaining the valuable workforce of Hong Kong.